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Sports Medicine VOCABULARY Unit 6 The Elbow, Forearm, Wrist, and Hand.

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1 Sports Medicine VOCABULARY Unit 6 The Elbow, Forearm, Wrist, and Hand

2 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Humerus Bone located in the upper arm.

3 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Radius - Located on the thumb side of the lower arm; it rotates as the forearm and hand turn.

4 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Ulna – Medial bone in the forearm.

5 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Medial epicondyle - Small bony prominence on the medial aspect of the distal humerus. Wrist flexor muscles originate on the medial epicondyle.

6 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Lateral epicondyle - Small bony prominence on the lateral aspect of the distal humerus. Wrist extensor muscles originate on the lateral epicondyle.

7 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Radial collateral ligament (LCL)- Connects proximal radius to distal humerus while providing stability against a varus force.

8 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Ulnar collateral ligament (MCL) - Connects proximal ulna to distal humerus while providing stability against a valgus force.

9 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Annular ligament - Connects proximal radius to the proximal ulna .

10 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Biceps Brachii - Contraction of this muscle results in elbow flexion. Located on anterior humerus.

11 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Triceps - Contraction of this muscle results in elbow extension. It is located on the posterior humerus.

12 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Pronation - Forearm movement resulting in a palm down position.

13 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Supination - Forearm movement resulting in a palm up position.

14 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Radial deviation - Wrist movement toward radius; AKA wrist abduction.

15 VOCABULARY Ulnar deviation - Wrist movement toward ulna
Sports Medicine Ulnar deviation - Wrist movement toward ulna AKA wrist adduction.

16 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Elbow hyperextension - Over extension of the elbow usually resulting in anterior elbow pain.

17 VOCABULARY Navicular (Scaphoid)- Most often fractured carpal bone.
Sports Medicine Navicular (Scaphoid)- Most often fractured carpal bone. Located in Anatomical Snuffbox

18 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Lateral epicondylitis- Inflammation of the lateral epicondyle. AKA “Tennis Elbow”.

19 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Medial epicondylitis – Inflammation of the medial epicondyle. AKA "Little league", “pitcher's” elbow or “Golfer’s elbow".

20 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Carpal tunnel syndrome - Constriction of finger flexor tendons and median nerve within the carpal tunnel.

21 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Boutonniere deformity - Results from an avulsion fracture of the extensor tendon at the PIP joint.

22 VOCABULARY Sports Medicine Mallet Finger - Results from an avulsion fracture of the extensor tendon at the DIP joint.

23 Elbow, Wrist and Hand Anatomy Bones
Unit 6 The Elbow, Wrist and Hand

24 Bones- Humerus Head Greater tuberosity Lesser tuberosity
Olecranon fossa Medial epicondyle Lateral epicondyle

25 Ulna Olecranon process Coronoid process Styloid process

26 Radius Head Styloid process Radial tuberosity

27 Carpals & Metacarpals Carpals- “wrist bones”
8 bones make up the carpals Metacarpals- “hand bones" Numbered 1- 5 1 is thumb, 5 is pinky

28 Phalanges Singular=Phalanx 3 types/parts Proximal Middle Distal Joints

29 Elbow, Wrist and Hand AnatomyMuscles
Unit 6 The Elbow, Wrist and Hand

30 Biceps Brachii pg.87, 85, 83, 69 O: Short head- coracoid process of the Scap Long head- glenoid fossa of scap I: Radial tuberosity A: Flex. Elbow, supinates forearm

31 Triceps Brachii pg.87, 85, 83, 73 O: Glenoid and post hum.
I: Olecranon process of ulna A: Extension of elbow

32 Brachioradialis pg.87, 85 O: Distal Lat Hum.
I: Styloid process of radius A: Flex. Elbow, assists w/ pronation and supination

33 Extensor Carpi Ulnaris pg.87
O: Lat. Epicondyle I: base of 5th metacarpal A: Ext. and Add. wrist

34 Extensor Carpi Radialis Longus pg.87
O: Distal, Lat. Hum. I: Dorsal surface of 2nd metacarpal A: Ext. and Abd. Wrist

35 Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis pg.87
O: Lat Epicondyle and Radial Collateral lig. of Elbow I: Dorsal surface of 3rd metacarpal A: Extends, and assists w/ Abd. of Wrist

36 Palmaris Longus pg.87 O: Med epicondyle of Hum. I: Flexor retinaculum
A: Flex wrist

37 Flexor Carpi Ulnaris pg.87
O: Med. Epicondyle of Hum. I: Med. Carpals, and 5th metacarpal A: Flex and Add. Wrist

38 Flexor Carpi Radialis pg.87
O: Med. Epicondyle of Hum. I: Base of 2nd and 3rd metacarpal A: Flex and Abd. Wrist

39 Extensor Digitorum pg.87 O: Lat. Epicondyle of Hum.
I: Dorsal surface of the middle and distal phalanges A: Extends phalanges

40 Flexor Digitorum Superficialis pg.87
O: Med. Epicondyle of Hum. I: 4 tendons into sides of middle phalanges 2-5 A: Flexes the Proximal Interphalangeal(PIP) jts.

41 Flexor Digitorum Profundus pg.87
O: Ant, Med, Proximal Ulna I: 4 Tendons into base of Distal Phalanges A: Flex. Distal Interphalangeal jt.

42 Elbow, Wrist and Hand AnatomyRehab
Unit 6 The Elbow, Wrist and Hand

43 Rehab. -ROM Fingers- 10min ice immersion
Close hand (make fist) -hold 10 sec Open as far as you can -hold 10 sec Repeat 10 times

44 Rehab.- Stretches Biceps- Against wall or door frame.
Palm against wall, shoulder ext to 90 deg, elbow near full extension, turn body away from wall With door frame, hook finger against frame (this pronates the hand), same as above.

45 Rehab.- Stretches Triceps- Fully ABD shoulder, Fully flex elbow, grab olecranon process with other hand. Pull olecranon in ABD (with uninjured hand), as pull injured arm in ADD. Note: there will be no/little movement on humerus

46 Rehab.- Stretches Wrist Flexors- Elbow extended, in supinated position, (with uninjured hand) pull wrist into extension Wrist Extensors- Elbow extended, in pronated position, (with uninjured hand) pull wrist into flexion

47 Rehab.- Exercises Bicep curl- Start - Good athletic stance, from fundamental standing position Flex elbow as supinate forearm

48 Rehab.- Exercises Triceps Extension- Many variations
Start with elbow(s) flexed ,good athletic stance, extend elbow till arm in straight. humerus should stay still!!

49 Wrist Program Done into Wrist Extension, Flexion, Ulnar and Radial Deviation Can be done with a theraband or dumbbell 3 sets of 10 hold at top for 2-3 sec

50 Rehab.- Exercises Thera-Putty, Stress balls- Squeeze and hold for 3 sec open hand reposition putty/ball and repeat. 3 sets, 1 min each Athletes MUST sanitize hands before using hand therapy equipment.

51 Rehab.- Exercises Hand Webs-
Flexion- grab web with fingers spread out(further the fingers are apart the harder the exercise) squeeze hand closed (flex fingers) hold 3 sec and repeat 3 set of 1 min. Extension- Grab web with fingers close together, open fingers into extension hold 3 sec repeat 3 set of 1 min

52 Rehab.- Exercises Wrist Roll- Shoulders flexed to 90 deg,
roll wt. up from the ground by flexing and extending your wrist. Repeat process till wt. is at top of motion and then till it is at floor, repeat till can't do any more reps. 3 sets

53 Rehab.- Exercises Push ups- w/ variations

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