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San Pedro High School Back - to – School Night Welcome to Room 168

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1 San Pedro High School Back - to – School Night Welcome to Room 168

2 Dr. Monique Dacay Contact info: School website: Check your child’s grades on schoology Students will be required to take home progress reports at least once a month to be signed by parents/guardians, so as to facilitate parent awareness of their progress in class.

3 Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Global Economy.
Business Academy Focus on careers in business operations, business administration, marketing and sales, financial planning, investing, banking, and real estate services. Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Tourism and Global Economy. Possible Electives: Introduction to Business, Accounting, Computer Principles, Psychology, and Business Law

4 Subjects/Grade levels
BIOLOGY- mostly 9th graders, year-long course, required for graduation HEALTH- mostly 9th graders, semester course, required for graduation LEADERSHIP- 11th and 12th graders, flexible to meet needs of student

5 Syllabus All students have been given a syllabus which includes course description, grading policy and contract, to be signed by parent/guardian. Detailed syllabi are also posted on-line at www.

6 Classroom Expectations
All students are required to uphold LAUSD and SPHS policies of proper dress and behavior. Students will be given a copy of the SPHS Honor Code and Attendance Policy, and will be expected to adhere to these guidelines. In addition, punctuality, preparation, courtesy and respect will of course be expected, and is necessary to create a learning environment for all.

7 Attendance Policy & Class Participation
Students will be held accountable to the SPHS attendance policy, and will also be expected to arrive on time to class each day. Class attendance is very important, not only for class notes taken for test preparation, but also because active participation is an important step in the learning process. Participation activities will occur several times a week, for which attendance is mandatory, and may not be made up.

8 TEXT/MATERIALS: Students have been assigned a textbook which they are responsible for bringing with them to class unless I am able to get a class set. Required materials: 3-ring binder, organized and in class every day. Daily planner/calendar Paper, pens, pencils, eraser, colored pencils, ruler with hole punch, small dry erase marker and any assigned work. Composition book for Health and Leadership ONLY

9 Classroom Instruction
Various teaching methods will be employed, including lecture and note-taking, projects and presentations, participation and group interaction, to actively engage students in the learning process.

10 Grading Criteria Tests and quizzes will comprise approximately 30% of the student’s grade. Homework, class work, projects and participation will make up the other 70%. Test grades and final grades will be figured based on points, on the standard grading scale, below: A % B % C % D % F %


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