National Conference on Agriculture –Rabi Campaign 2017 Recommendation and Suggestion from Working Group-III.

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Presentation on theme: "National Conference on Agriculture –Rabi Campaign 2017 Recommendation and Suggestion from Working Group-III."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Conference on Agriculture –Rabi Campaign 2017 Recommendation and Suggestion from Working Group-III

2 eNAM Others Haryana Sikkim Madhya Pradesh Meghalaya Rajasthan
Members of the Working Group eNAM Haryana Madhya Pradesh Rajasthan Himachal Pradesh Odisha Chhattisgarh Telangana Others Sikkim Meghalaya Arunachal Pradesh Nagaland Chaired by Additional Chief Secretary, HP and Jt Secy (M)

3 States Suggestion/Feedback
Recommendation of Working Group : eNAM States Suggestion/Feedback Madhya Pradesh Strengthen Assaying labs –accreditation mechanism Regulatory Body for settlement of disputes Logistics arrangement to be incorporated in e-NAM Existing mandi license is allowed to be converted to Unified license Private markets (companies) to be provided with eNAM software for increasing outreach Bhavantar – integration with eNAM in the 58 markets since the basics have the same requirements

4 States Suggestion/Feedback
Recommendation of Working Group : eNAM States Suggestion/Feedback Telangana Who will bear the charges for assaying needs to be sorted out Provision of warehouse based sales needs to be made in e-NAM software Haryana Incentivize farmers for eTrade and online payments Selected F&V largely of local consumption to be excluded from eTrade due to rapid loss of freshness and hence price Agricultural commodities from other States like Rajasthan and UP have been traditionally flowing into Haryana. Inter State trade on eNAM

5 States Suggestion/Feedback
Recommendation of Working Group : eNAM States Suggestion/Feedback Himachal Pradesh A copy of challan be provided to Commission Agent Rebate on market charges by 50% for online payment to traders done in HP. Notification awaited. Other States may follow the same. States may issue advisory to States to let the current 97 thousand registered traders in eNAM to trade across the 13 eNAM States [legal implications to be examinations] Single Payment for multiple lots needs to be provisioned Awareness to be created amongst (bigger) national level aggregators Provision to be made for blacklisting defaulters (traders) into entire e-NAM system

6 Suggestion/(Points need more Clarification)
Recommendation of Working Group : eNAM States Suggestion/(Points need more Clarification) Rajasthan In practice Commission Agent pay to farmer. Supported by Chhattisgarh, HP and MP. Option should be given on e-NAM for payment through commission agent to farmer eNAM mobile App for iOS need to be provided. Procurement to be done on eNAM – transparency in direct payment to farmers Chhattisgarh Farmers to receive the payment on the same day. SMS of on acceptance of bid price by farmer to be sent to traders Part payment to be allowed to farmers in cash at Mandi immediately after sales, to enable farmers to meet immediate requirements.

7 (Meghalaya, Arunachal Pr and Nagaland)
Recommendation of Working Group : eNAM States Suggestion/Feedback North Eastern States (Meghalaya, Arunachal Pr and Nagaland) Currently the physical infrastructure for mandis is very poor. Arunachal Pradesh mentioned the presence on small rural markets only. Need to strengthen Assaying labs, Warehouse, internet etc. Connectivity is a serious issue in North-east. Stressed the need for special funding provisions for NE States. Aggregation of produce to be strengthened APAPLM (Arunachal Pradesh Agriculture Produce and Livestock Marketing Act) submitted for legal vetting to Law Department of the State. Meghalaya: APLM Act under consideration by the State Govt

8 General recommendation
1 Real time online bidding and Digital payments to farmers to be encouraged and incentivised 2 Strengthen and modernize labs for quick, reliable and replicable results 3 Setting up a Central Authority (dispute redressal) for better Implementation 4 Move from closed tender to open auction

9 Recommendation 5 Strengthening infrastructure including connectivity at all places 6 Inter mandi trade to graduate to Inter State trade 7 Mission mode registration drive for farmers, traders, CA, processors 8 Warehouses and other storage godowns to be declared as market sub yards - eNWR 9 Adopt model APLM Act, 2017 urgently since there are a number of enabling provisions for achieving the objectives of eNAM in the true spirit

10 Conclusion Recommendation of Working Group : eNAM
Challenges in the implementation of NAM like legal issues, infrastructure availability, revenue sharing, grades and standards, aggregation of farmers produce and getting all the stakeholders on the same platform are to be worked out by the States to continue to achieve the vision of a unified and common market. Integration of services like warehousing, banking, insurance, finance etc are to be brought into the NAM concept NAM is a vision that will have to be implemented in a phase manner. The various components of market, scale of operation, price discovery, transparency, market information, price signals, legal framework and system have to be arrived over a successive period of time within timeline.

11 Uttam Fasal Uttam Enaam Thank You

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