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Macbeth Act III Notes.

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1 Macbeth Act III Notes

2 Scene 1 In the royal palace at Forres, Banquo paces and thinks about Macbeth as king and the weird sisters’ prophecies Banquo wonders if the witches’ predictions for him will come true Macbeth enters with Lady Macbeth as king and queen They ask Banquo to attend their feast that evening Banquo accepts and says he plans to go for a ride on his horse for the afternoon Macbeth mentions that they should discuss the problems of Malcolm and Donalbain who have fled Scotland – Macbeth declares them traitors

3 Scene 1 continued Banquo departs and Macbeth dismisses his court
Macbeth is left alone with a single servant who directs Macbeth to some men who have been waiting Macbeth gives a soliloquy – he talks about Banquo and says this is the only man he fears He notes that if the witches’ prophesies are true his will be a “fruitless crown.” The servant reenters with Macbeth’s two visitors

4 Scene 1 The two men are hired killers
Macbeth reminds the men of their job and creates false reasons why they should kill Banquo Macbeth asks them if they are courageous and manly enough to kill Banquo They promise to murder Banquo Macbeth reminds the murderers they must also kill Fleance, Banquo’s son

5 Scene 2 At another spot in the castle, Lady Macbeth expresses despair and tells a servant to get her husband Macbeth enters and tells his wife he is in discontent (unhappy) and that his mind is “full of scorpions.” He feels that the business of killing is not yet complete – he feels threatened and paranoid Macbeth hints (but does not tell) to his wife his plans for Banquo and his son (never involves her in the plan) The scene ends with Macbeth calling on night to come and asking for the death of Banquo and Fleance

6 Scene 3 It is dusk and the two murderers, joined by a third linger in a wooded park outside the palace Banquo and Fleance approach on their horses and dismount Banquo and Fleance light a torch and the murderers attack Banquo is killed but Fleance escapes The murderers leave to go and tell Macbeth the news

7 Scene 4 Onstage stands a table filled with food and drink – Macbeth’s coronation banquet is about to take place Macbeth and Lady Macbeth enter and bid welcome to their guests Macbeth walks among his guests and the first murderer appears in the doorway Macbeth is told that Banquo is dead but that Fleance has escaped Macbeth is angry and worried over Fleance’s escape Lady Macbeth urges her husband to mingle with his guests

8 Scene 4 Macbeth turns to his guests and makes a toast; commenting that he wishes Banquo were present Macbeth goes to take his seat at the head of the table but finds Banquo’s ghost in his chair Horrified, Macbeth speaks to the ghost which is only visible to Macbeth The guests questions Macbeth’s behavior and ask him what is wrong Lady Macbeth makes excuses for her husband’s behavior and tells everyone to ignore him She speaks to Macbeth in an aside questioning his manhood and urging him to pull it together The ghost disappears and Macbeth apologizes and tells his guests that he is fine

9 Scene 4 As he offers a toast Banquo’s ghost reappears and Macbeth continues to make reckless outbursts Lady Macbeth finally orders the alarmed guests to leave just as the ghost vanishes again Macbeth mutters that “blood will have blood” and tells his wife that Macduff will not come to Macbeth’s court (treasonous behavior) Macbeth also lets on that he has spies everywhere – he has planted a spy in Macduff’s home He says that he will visit the witches tomorrow to find out more information He says he will do whatever is necessary to keep his throne Lady Macbeth tells him he needs to sleep and they go to bed

10 Scene 4 Quotes and Events
Significance of Fleance’s escape Marks Macbeth’s first failure Hints that the witches’ prophecy may still come true Banquo’s murder and the appearance of his ghost mark the climax of the play Guilt continues to plague Macbeth His tirade will lead the other lords to question his sanity and will create suspicions “I am in blood/Stepped in so far that, should I wade no more,/Returning were as tedious as go over.” Macbeth says that there is no going back in his actions

11 Scene 5 Upon a stormy heath the witches meet with Hecate, the goddess of witchcraft Hecate yells at the witches for involving themselves with Macbeth and not asking for her permission Hecate declares that she will take over in adding mischief to Macbeth’s life Hecate tells the witches that when Macbeth comes they must give him a false sense of security and draw him to continued confusion Hecate vanishes and the witches go to prepare for Macbeth

12 Scene 6 That night Lennox walks with another lord discussing what has happened to Scotland Banquo’s murder has been officially blamed on Fleance But Lennox and the other lord suspect Macbeth whom they call a tyrant They also suspect Macbeth has killed Duncan The lord tells Lennox that Macduff has gone to England to join Malcolm and ask for help from the English king to unseat Macbeth This information has reached Macbeth who is preparing for war Lennox and the lord express their hope that Malcolm and Macduff can defeat Macbeth

13 Act III Analyis At the beginning of the play, Macbeth is worried over having to commit multiple murders in order to become king By Act III Macbeth has and is also willing to kill anyone who is in his way He hires murderers to kill not only his friend but his friend’s son in order to make sure the witches’ prophesies do not come true

14 Act III Analysis Macbeth and his wife have traded roles by this point in the play Macbeth uses the same strategies his wife used on him to goat him into killing Duncan Macbeth questions the murderers’ manhood and tricks them into thinking Banquo has done something wrong to them Macbeth has begun making decisions of murder on his own w/o his wife’s consent (the king’s guards and Banquo and Fleance) Macbeth then tells his wife that she must hide her true feelings: “make [their] faces visors to [their] hearts,/Disguising what they are.” However Macbeth is obviously filled with guilt over the things he has done – says his mind is filled with scorpions

15 Act III Analysis During scenes 2 and 4, the Macbeths both seem unhappy, even though they have accomplished their goal Both seemed shocked that possessing the crown has not brought them happiness Ironically, instead of happiness, Macbeth has become suspicious, paranoid, and guilt-ridden He plots murder, commissions murder, installs spies, and sees ghosts

16 Act III Analysis Banquo’s ghost represents Macbeth’s guilt and fears of the crimes he has committed Notice that Banquo’s ghost “haunts” Macbeth and not Duncan’s. Why? Banquo was present for the witches predictions However, unlike Macbeth, Banquo took no criminal action

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