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Chapter 30.4 – Chapter 30.4 – A Tumultuous War Tumultuous Year

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1 Chapter 30.4 – Chapter 30.4 – A Tumultuous War Tumultuous Year

2 The Tet Offensive Event in 1968 that turned the direction of the war.
In a daring surprise attack, the Vietcong took over many southern cities. This sweeping loss stunned the American public. It was a surprise because it happened on the Vietnamese New Year

3 Changing political climate
In a matter of weeks, the Tet Offensive changed millions of Americans minds about the war. Many “Hawks” now became “Doves”

4 LBJ’s remorse In 1968, LBJ surprised many Americans when he announced that he would not run for a second term. It was surprising because LBJ was a man very concerned with his legacy. “That war killed the lady I really loved – the Great Society.”

5 Also in 1968… The assassinations of MLK and Robert Kennedy sparked outrage and violent riots that destroyed many neighborhoods. The 1968 Democratic Presidential Convention in Chicago: Chaotic violence broke out in the streets of Chicago between anti- war protestors and CPS (mobilized by Mayor Daley) Americans were once again sick with the way things were.


7 Ready for Change: The Election of 1968
Richard M. Nixon won the Election of 1968 by promising to return the country to law, order, and stability. He also promised to end the war in Vietnam. However, he did not end the war immediately after winning. Instead, a slow gradual drawdown began.

8 The My’Lai Massacre The US public was horrified to learn that a U.S. platoon of soldiers slaughtered a village of innocent civilians. Over 200 innocent villagers were shot. “We all huddled them up, I poured about four clips into the group…The mothers was hugging their children…Well, we kept right on firing.” –Paul Meadio, 22 year old American soldier.


10 1970 Invasion of Cambodia Nixon announced in 1970 that the US had invaded Cambodia in order to “clear out the Vietcong supply centers there.” A wave of public protest, mostly from college age youth, exploded throughout the nation. At Kent State University, for example, the ROTC building was burned to the ground and National Guards fired live ammunition into the crowds – killing four and wounding nine people.

11 The Pentagon Papers Americans were beginning to lose truth in their government. This was made worse by the leak of top- secret documents known as the Pentagon Papers. These papers proved that the U.S. planned on entering the war even back when LBJ promised he would not involve American troops. Furthermore, the papers showed there was never any plan to end the war.

12 By 1972… The American public had grown sick of the war.
A peace deal was struck which said that the U.S. would leave as long as the Vietcong troops stayed out of the south. On March 29th, 1973 the last U.S. combat troops left Vietnam.

13 In 1975… The Northern army re-invaded the south.
The South Vietnamese appealed to the US for help – but they refused. By April 30, 1975 the North had completely conquered the south.

14 Returning Veterans The American public treated returning veterans with indifference or even hostility. The war had divided the public and challenged the belief of American superiority. Congress passed the War Powers Act – which limited the President’s ability to use the military without congressional approval (48 hour rule). The draft was also abolished.

15 Aftermath: In Vietnam, the “Communist” regime placed many south Vietnamese into harsh “re-education camps.” People fled across the South China Sea by the thousands and many died. In Cambodia, the US invasion opened up a rift to allow the Communist group known as the Khmer Rouge to seize power – they executed people who were particularly skilled or educated with the intention of creating a “peasant underclass.” It is estimated that at least 1 million Cambodians were killed.

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