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‘All About Eve’ text response essay planning guide

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Presentation on theme: "‘All About Eve’ text response essay planning guide"— Presentation transcript:

1 ‘All About Eve’ text response essay planning guide

2 The topic: ‘All About Eve’s male characters are far more devious and cunning than any of the female ones.’ Discuss.

3 Key words and synonyms ‘All About Eve’s male characters are far more devious and cunning than any of the female ones.’ Discuss. Male – Synonyms: masculine, gentlemen, manly, men. Devious – Synonyms: Deceitful, scheming, wily, underhanded, conniving. Cunning – Synonyms: Sly, crafty, astute, calculating, shrewd. Female – Synonyms: Lady, women, feminine.

4 Re-write the topic as a question
Are the male characters in ‘All About Eve’ more devious and cunning than the female ones? 1. Yes No Sometimes You must choose 1, 2 OR 3 then write your answer to the above question. Tip: Use your synonyms!

5 1. Yes Throughout the film ‘All About Eve’, the male characters behave in a far more deceitful, conniving and calculating way than the women in the film. How can this contention sentence be improved?

6 2. No It is the feminine characters in ‘All About Eve’ who are portrayed in a far more scheming, underhanded and deceitful way than the men in the film. How can this contention sentence be improved?

7 3. Sometimes There are times throughout the film ‘All About Eve’ where the male characters are shown to be highly deceitful, scheming and crafty. However, Mankiewicz also creates several female characters who embody theses characteristics. How can this contention sentence be improved?

8 Arguments/reasons What are 3 arguments or reasons to support your contention? 1. 2. 3.

9 Supporting evidence What is the supporting evidence that you will use to support your reasons/arguments in 1, 2 and 3? SHOW DON’T TELL 1. 2. 3. Tip: These should prove your reasons/arguments are correct. Be specific!

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