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Azarquiel School-june,11-2017
Part II: Nucleosynthesis and evolution 1. Basics of Thermonuclear Reactions 2. Burning Processes 3. s-process 4. r-process Azarquiel School-june,
1. Basics of Thermonuclear Reactions
1.1 Cross section and reaction rate Definition of cross section Let: N x=number density of type x N a =number density of type a Reaction between a and X is notified as: Reaction rate: Effective area Particle flux But in stars we deal with plasma in which the particles have a spectrum of Velocities: We need the average of :
2 particles are destroyed when a=X) Equating both expression
The reaction rate is: To avoid double counting in case a=X, we write: Lifetime a (X): This is a rate of change of NX when reacting with a Definition: But (to take into account that 2 particles are destroyed when a=X) Equating both expression to obtain: If a nucleus X is destroyed by several reaction:
What is the form of the velocity spectrum
Nuclei in the star’s plasma are certainly non-degenerate owing to their high masses. In thermodynamic equilibrium their velocity distribution is described by the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution: Note that Is the reduced mass, since we are considering the center of mass system
The Gamow Peak And inserting (v) as above, we get: Using we get
The Gamow Peak Maxwell-Boltzmann Distribution GAMOW PEAK (magnified) Tunnel Effect through Coulomb Barrier E0 KT=1-3 KeV E0 =15-30 KeV Effective burning energy This is the secret of thermonuclear reactions in stars without it no human being can exist. Most of the reactions occur in the high-energy tail of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution . The fact that E0 >> KT is due to the penetration factor pushing it to higher energy.
In case of the non-resonant reactions , the S(E) factor is slowly varying and can be taken approximately as S(E)=S(E0) and pulled outside the integral. In other words, the product of the exponentals lead to the Gamow peak obviously. Taking the first derivatives of the integrand, one can find the maximum of the Gamow peak at: Examples: T6=15 Reaction E0 (keV) p+p P+14N +12C 16 O+ 16 O Effect of the coulomb barrier is clearly seen !
2. Burning Phases Chain I Borexino Expr. Qeff=26.20 Mev Chain III
2.1 Hydrogen Burning, proton-proton chain The power of the Sun and solar like stars up to 1.5 MSun Gallax neutrino experiment 71Ga T=(10-15)x106 K 86% 14% 14% 0.02% Chain I Borexino Expr. Qeff=26.20 Mev Chain III Net effect: Chain II Qeff=25.66 Mev Davis neutrino experiment Qeff=19.17 Mev
Ne-NA cycle and Mg-AL cy=ycle Dr Sneden will talk about them.
The CNO cycle in stars of M>1.5 MSun Energy generation rate mainly controlled by this slowest reaction in the CN cycle: P+gmma reactions followed by beta-plus decay Extension of the CNO: Ne-NA cycle and Mg-AL cy=ycle Dr Sneden will talk about them. near T= K See also El Eid & Champgne , ApJ 451,298 (1995)-,
PP chain versus CNO cycle
M 1.5 MSun M 1.5 MSun CNO cycle dominates above 18x106 K
Helium burning: The process of carbon creation
ONLY IN STARS Resonance The resonance at Mev in the compound nucleus has saved our existence in this universe
The Helium Fusion Thru Resonance 7.654 Mev Make 16O Survival of 16O
Two-step Process Make 12C Thru Resonance 7.654 Mev Make 16O Survival of 16O
Making the Heavy Elements
abundance curve of heavy elements: solar system Notice the shifting of the peaks of the s and r processes
This is also representing r-process abundances in solar system
r-process more lovely?
Thus there are three neutron-capture processes: s, r and s+r
Amazing & Interesting There are only 27 pure r-nuclei and 28 pure s-nuclei. all othes s+r nuclei Thus there are three neutron-capture processes: s, r and s+r Illustration: See next slide to see why s, r an S+r
s process (n,) reactions increases the mass number (A) . However, if the isotope is unstable, then subsequent process depends on the neutron flux and the life time () Standard s-process : beta decay wins the game The produced nuclei are closed to the valley of beta stability radioactive s sr s sr sr r r See next slide
r-process: neutron capture wins the gam
This process operates far from the valley of stability Beta decay lifetimes: ( ) s. For n=10-4 s : Nn=3x1020 neutron/cm3
r-process 2.2 s and r processes
In the Galaxy, heavy elements beyond copper are formed by 2 neutron-capture processes: Primary process: built up from scratch. s-process r-process 1/2 & 1/2 “s” for slow, but what is slow?: Slow is the n-capture compared to beta-decay “r” for rapid, but what is rapid?: neutron capture much faster compared to beta-decay Standard scenario:: Core collapse SNe M >8 Msun. Detailed model not yet done Main component A > 90, AGB stars: (1-8) MSun Weak component A < 90, Massive stars, M15 M Sun Both processes very challenging on theoretical an experimental ground Secondary process: Depends on iron seed-abundance
2.3 Details of the s-process
Whenever neutrons are produced in stellar environment, they become quickly ( s) thermalized via elastic scattering in the star’s plasma. They obey the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution (MBD): From lab experiments, we know that the neutron-capture cross section varies like: S-wave scattering MBD E0 =most probable energy E0=kT Neutron energy En
(n,) - decay Neutron sources T-range Evolutionary phase
KeV or 1.5 – 3.5 x 108 He-burning: AGB stars & 90 KeV or 109 K Helium burning and Shell -Carbon burning in massive stars. Why not core carbon burning? Ask me if u don’t know (n,) Z Z+1 - Radioactive A -1 (n,) - decay Z A A+1 Time variation of abundances of stable isobar NA: N (Z,A-1) (Z.A) (Z.A+1) creation destruction
= neutron flux [neutron/(cm2 .s)]
Along the s-process path, a (n,gamma) reaction increases the mass number A, but if the isotope is unstable, then the subsequent process depends on the neutron flux (or neutron density) and the beta-minus half-life time compared to the neutron capture lifetime. Beta-rate in stellar plasma Time-dependent Two limiting cases: Radioactive nuclei decay very fast, so that their abundances can be neglected (a) (b) Radioactive nuclei can be treated as stable nuclei Temperature does not change fast during s-process: Measuring near VT is a good approximation. = neutron flux [neutron/(cm2 .s)]
define neutron exposure:
using Self-regulating equation with a steady-state solution: Main component weak Massive stars AGB stars Weak component Two components This indicates: a nucleus with small would have large abundance, and a nucleus with high would have small abundance. [mb] N/(106 Si) As one sees, this curve provides the link to the stellar evolution Reference: Käppeler etal, APJ, 257, 821, (1982)
Implication of the N-curve
Obtaining the abundances of the r-nuclei (see below) The fact that N is not constant all the way led to the insight that two component exist that lead to the s-process, and to the insight that the thermal pulsations in AGB stars are required for the production main component. We come back to this later
Testing branching along the s-process path
93Zr with long lifetime (1.5 My), while 95Zr has 64 day. For neutron density < 3x108 cm-3 , 95Zr decays into 95Mo over 95Nb. For higher neutron density, 95Zr(n,)96Zr becomes effective and leads to subsolar ratio of 96Zr/ 94Zr found in Sic grains. It seems (See Lugaro et al, 2003) that is needed as a neutron source Mo= Molybdenum Nb=Niobium
s-process in massive stars
In core He-burning, s-process rather sensitive to the reaction s-process in Carbon-shell burning depends on the evolution of massive stars during core He-burning and the ensuing carbon burning. In particular, on the location of the carbon shells. This is related to the mass fraction of carbon (X12) determine by the operating in late phase of core He-burning If X12 is relatively high (Kunz et al rate), then the s-process occurs earlier in the evolution (before Ne burning. Consequently, lower neutron density is achieved, and only the Sr-region is reached- that is amazing If X12 is relatively low, the s-process occurs later during Ne-burning . This leads to higher neutron density in the range of 1011 n/cm-3. Consequently, some production of 90Zr is possible.
3.2 Massive stars Why the difference? See next
Darker areas: CONVECTIVE see El Eid, Meyer, The APJ 611, 452 (2004) The, El Eid, Meyer: APJ, 655, 1058, (2007) Note that the energy production does not comprise the whole convective core NACRE NACRE Why the difference? See next
Nuclear physics essential for understanding the structure of stars
It is the rate Nuclear physics essential for understanding the structure of stars He burning;15-30 MSun CF85: Caughlan et al ; Atom.. Data Nucl. Data Tables, 32, 197 (1985) Kunz: Kunz etal. APJ, 567, 643 (2002) NACRE: Angulo et al , Nucl. Phys. A, 656, 3A, 1999 Buchmann: 1996, APJ, 468, L127 (1996) june 11, 2017
Limongi, Straniero , Chieffi APJS, 129, 625 (2000)
25 Msun star Imbriani et al (2001), ApJ 558, 903 Rate of CF85 > CF88 No convective carbon-burning core CF85 X 12=0.18 X12 lower Remaining car bon mass fraction No convective core But here CF88 X12=0.42 See also : Limongi, Straniero , Chieffi APJS, 129, 625 (2000) june 11, 2017
Learn Effect The carbon burning is an important evolutionary phase in massive stars: It is a branching point between the formation of white dwarfs and the evolution toward core collapse supernovae It influences strongly the subsequent evolution, especially through carbon-shell burning, where the s-process nucleosynthesis operates in part It depends on several factors: Mass of star Carbon mass fraction left over from Helium burning, thus on the rate of Neutrino losses june 11, 2017
25 M_sun Details: see The, El Eid, Meyer: APJ, 655, 1058 (2007)
25 M_un
s-process outcome Solar abundances
Main component Weak component Massive Stars AGB Stars Overproduction factors of the IMF-averaged stars (15,20,25,30) Msun
Get in touch with Galactic Evolution
Disk stars Filled circles: Halo stars Log(57La/ 63Eu) Hallo stars Lanthanum/ Europium Filled diamonds: Disk stars S-process versus r-process prediction: r-process only [Fe/H] Metallicity 1. La/Eu increases as the s-process starts contributing, at about [Fe/H] -2 metal-rich disk stars have larger ratio than halo stars 2. Only metal-poor stars have ratios consistent with the r-process 3. The s-process seems to have contributed at earlier phase ([Fe/H]<-2) , but how? In which stellar mass range and at what metallicity? [A/B] = log(NA/NB)* - log(NA/NB)
2.3 Some details on the r-process
Abundances: Nr N -f(A)/(A) Taking advantage that Ns falls on the flat part of the curve Three abundance peaks Result:
The above characteristics and the fact that the ntural radioactive nuclei
232Th- 235U- 238U cannot be produced by the s-process led the concept of the r-process (B2FH57) Home work For the students Why the s-process cannot produce the super heavy radio active nuclei? Basically: The r-process is based on a flow concept similar to the s-process, but: High neutron density is needed (>1020 neutrons/cm 3, such that n<< (neutron capture wins against beta-decay most od the time, but not always) Effect: A nucleus (Z.A) becomes more neutron rich due to (n,) reactions. neutron number increases, addition of neutrons stops when binding energy Qn of the neutrons approaches zero It can be shown (see Rolfs & Rodney, “Cauldrons in the Cosmos”, 1988) that this occurs for given temperature T and neutron density Nn, when the (n, ) rate and (, n ) rate are in equilibrium
For Nn=1024 cm-3 and T=109 K , both rates equal when Qn =2 MeV
For Nn=1024 cm-3 and T=109 K , both rates equal when Qn =2 MeV. The chain of (n,) stops and beta-decay becomes effective. Then: If neutron capture stops, what will the nuclei do? Well, they wait for beta-decay. This is seen by the step-like structure in the r-process path
Consequence: Compare:
This is called “waiting point” for each charge Z. This means beta-decay must occur before the next neutron capture can proceed, and this defines the r-process path shown above. It is then clear that abundances are not characterized by NA as in the s-process, but by NZ The time dependence of the abundances is give by a set of coupled differential equations: Where Z is the beta-decay rate at the waiting point. This set of equations have the tendency to reach equilibrium (dNZ/dt=0) with NZ 1/Z= Consequence: Abundances in the r-process correlate with beta-decay lifetimes at waiting points Compare: In the s-process the abundances are correlated with the capture cross section: NA1/A1/A
Next The r-process transforms the matter to the neutron side. However, if the path reaches the magic numbers: Nm =50,82,126 Then, Qn becomes very small and long. One has special waiting points The next heavier isotope with Nm+1 neutrons undergoes beta-decay to (Z+1,Nm) It is again a nucleus with the magic number (Nm) . The nuclei approaches the valley of stability, so that the normal sequence proceeds After termination the n-rich nuclei undergo beta-decay keeping the mass number the same N=82
The insight - s.r Progenitor N-magic Product Non-magic
278 ms s.r Product Non-magic Relatively high abundance See Fig. on p. 9 Progenitor N-magic
The longer than average beta-decay lifetimes of the of these special nuclei explain their large abundances. Since their associated proton numbers are smaller than in the s-process, isobars of the r-process are shifted as we have seen earlier Comparison between s -process and r- process s-process r-process Neutron density neutrons/ cm3) Abundances n-capture cross beta-decay time correlated with cross section at waiting points N=const no such relation Astrophysical Site AGB stars Supernovae massive stars Neutron star mergers Basic character Secondary process Primary process comes later early happening in galaxy in supernovae
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