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Medical Terminology EMS Program

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1 Medical Terminology EMS Program
University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics Paramedic Training Division

2 Medical Terminology To effectively communicate: Those who
The Language of medicine To effectively communicate: Those who work in medicine must speak and understand the same language A dictionary may be beneficial A.        Review of common medical terms, their meaning and their correct spelling B.        Review of commonly-accepted medical abbreviations and their correct spelling Review of common industry acronyms

3 There are three potential parts of a medical term
Prefix Root word Suffix Not all words contain both prefix and suffix, but most will contain either one or the other. Tonsil + itis = Tonsillitis suffix med term root

4 Root Words Often refers to an anatomical part
Conveys the essential meaning Ov Nephr/o Hemo Hepat/o Ocul/o Chole Pyret/o Gastr/o Pneum/o Mening/o Cyst/o Edem Neur/o Alveol/o Causaligia means burning pain Partus labor post partum means after birth Tracho sounds like trachea Stomato stoma not stomach refers to a small opening

5 Examples of Root-Root words
Sternoclavicular Musculoskeletal Genitourinary Nephro kidney and lith stone Kidney stone Two body systems genito urinary reproductive and urinary often placed together. when 2 root words or a root-suffix are added, sometimes a combining vowel will be added to make it easier to speak

6 Prefixes… are never used alone add a quantifier, color or a position
to a word. Brady-cardia Tachy-cardia Apnea Bilateral Ambidextrous

7 sometimes a prefix is also a root!
Common Prefixes above supra infra cost chole rib Bad, painful, difficult inside Beneath, under sub cyst dys endo olig gallbladder scanty/small amount urinary/bladder/sac of fluid sometimes a prefix is also a root! clear as mud~

8 Suffixes… Hematotoxic found at the end of the word to
alter the meaning of the word describes a condition/diagnosis/disorder/procedure Hematotoxic

9 Important suffixes otomy to remove ectomy the study of ology pain
surgical incision itis ostomy to create an opening tracheostomy/colonostomy/ileostomy/nephrostomy centesis Inflammation of odyn/o break down/separation lysis surgical perforation/puncture

10 More important suffixes…..
to repair algia pain emia a condition plasty blood condition rrhea drainage osis or ia

11 And even more suffixes…
pathy weakness paresis urination rrhagia disease uria tumor esthesia breathing nervous sensation pnea oma bursting forth

12 root to a suffix that begins with a consonant
Combining Vowel use when joining…. root to root (gastrohepatitis) OR root to a suffix that begins with a consonant (cardiomegaly)

13 Easy & straightforward….right???
Ot/o Aur/o Auricul/o Opthalm/o Optic/o Opt/o osis ic ia Peri Ambi per circum

14 The anatomy & dissection of a medical term
Pericardiocentesis The aspiration of fluid from the pericardium (sac of fluid) around theheart

15 The anatomy & dissection of a medical term
combining vowel root word (x2) prefix Suffix Costochondritis Inflammation of the ribs/cartilage

16 The anatomy & dissection of a medical term
Lithotripsy Endocarditis Antipyretic Substernal Periorbital lithotripsy-high energy shock waves to break up stones in the urinary tract. Litho/stone & tripsy/crush Endocarditis-inflammation of the inside lining of the heart/valves Supraventricular tachycardia paronychia

17 Common medical terms Idiopathic Hypoglycemia Rales Status epilepticus
Stridor Syncope Iatro/physician,treatment Aphasia/large range from not remembering words to the complete inability to speak Idiopathic/”a disease of it’s own kind.” Iatrogenic Aphasia Hyperglycemia

18 Anatomical Planes and Positions

19 Anatomical Planes imaginery straight line divisions of the body Frontal or Coronal plane divides anterior (ventral) and posterior (dorsal) (#1) Sagittal Plane runs vertically through the body (#2) Transverse or horizontal plane divides superior and inferior (#3)

20 Anatomical Position Standing up with the feet and hands facing the examiner Always refer to the patient’s left or right, not yours

21 Body Positions


23 or internal rotation or external rotation


25 Abbreviations Use only approved abbreviations to avoid confusion
Be mindful of capitalized & lower case letters Abbreviations can cause legal nightmares Remember the purpose of documentation

26 The mother called because the child
woke up coughing and appears to have difficulty breathing. 4 yo child found sitting in a tripod position. Alert, follows commands,skin warm, dry & pink. RR 12,able to appreciate intermittent episodes of stridor with deep barky cough. No intercostal or substernal retractions noted.

27 Medical Slang….we have it too 
Hi5 FLB FLK PID shuffle Donut of Death CKS Cute Kid Syndrome Banana bag Gassers Acute Pneumoencephalopathy

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