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What helped the Mexican rebel win?

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Presentation on theme: "What helped the Mexican rebel win?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What helped the Mexican rebel win?
A. The king of Spain died B. All the Creoles finally joined the rebels C. The rebels’ guerrilla tactics finally worked D. Iturbide and his army unit joined the rebels

2 D. Iturbide and his army unit joined the rebels

3 Who was the most successful liberator of South America?
A. Hidalgo B. Napoleon C. Iturbide D. Bolivar

4 D. Bolivar

5 What European country tried to capture Buenos Aires?
A Great Britain B. Italy C. France D. Portugal

6 A. Great Britain

7 Which Mexican ruler fought against Texans at the Alamo?
A. Diaz B. Santa Anna C. Villa D. Juarez

8 B. Santa Anna

9 Why were the guerrilla leaders Villa and Zapata so successful?
A. They were rich and well educated B. They had supporters in the United States C. They fought for the cause of the poor people. D. They had more resources than the army.

10 C. They fought for the cause of the poor.
Villa Zapata

11 What present day countries formed La Plata?
A. Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentina B. Mexico, Guatemala, and Venezuela C. Haiti and Cuba D. Columbia and Ecuador

12 A. Uruguay, Paraguay, Bolivia, and Argentina

13 How was Brazil different from many other Latin American countries?
A. It was ruled by Portugal, not Spain B. It had no sea ports C. It contained valuable gold mines D. Its people spoke the language of Incas

14 A. It was ruled by Portugal, not Spain

15 Who was the first person to try to liberate Venezuela from Spanish rule?
A. Francisco de Miranda B. Diego Rivera C. Toussaint L’Ouverture D. Simon Bolivar

16 A. Francisco de Miranda

17 In what year did Mexico’s War of Independence begin?

18 D. 1810

19 Why were the Creoles in Mexico unhappy with Spain?
A. They wanted to keep slavery B. They wanted to hold power C. They want to back to Spain D. They preferred the French

20 B. They wanted to hold power
Class System Spaniards Creoles Mestizos Indians Slaves

21 Grito de Dolores – What is it?
A. The ringing of the church bells B. The sounds worshipers make in church C. A sound heard during hot summers in Mexico D. The last words of Hidalgo’s independence speech

22 D. The last words of Hidalgo’s independence speech

23 Why was Jose Maria Morelos unsuccessful in winning independence?
A. He was killed on the first day of battle B. He refused to carry a weapon C. He wanted to take land away from the Creoles D. He was not trusted by the people

24 C. He wanted to take land away from the Creoles

25 What did Toussaint first do to help the Haitian revolution?
A. He burned fields B. He was a cook C. He was a doctor D. He was general

26 C. He was a doctor

27 What is guerrilla warfare?

28 A group of untrained soldiers who fight in a war
A group of untrained soldiers who fight in a war. They are typically not highly trained and often they are volunteers. They use ambushes and hit and run tactics during war.

29 Who began the Haiti’s struggle for independence?
A. Biassou B. Jean Francois C. Boukman D. Santo Domingo

30 Haitian priest who conducted a religious ceremony in Haiti
C. Boukman Haitian priest who conducted a religious ceremony in Haiti

31 Haiti is part of what island?
A. Hispaniola B. Puerto Rico C. Cuba D. Bermuda

32 A. Hispaniola

33 Why did the French leave St. Domingue?
A. Raining and flooding B. Dessalines kept burning towns C. Toussaint was captured D. Yellow fever killed thousands of French soldiers

34 D. Yellow fever killed thousands of French soldiers

35 What was Haiti’s Night of Fire?
A. Devastating forest fire happened B. A volcano erupted C. The night slaves began a rebellion D. The night many people lost their jobs

36 C. The slaves began a rebellion
When the Night Skies Turn Bright With Flame "Eh! Eh! Bomba! Heu! Heu! Cango, bafio t�! Canga, moun� de l�! Canga, do ki la! Canga li! [translation: We swear to destroy the whites and all they possess; let us die rather than fail to keep this vow.] Song of Haiti's slave quarters

37 Which influenced the Latin American independence movement?
A. The French Revolution B. The American Revolution C. Writings of Enlightenment thinkers D. A, B, and C

38 D. A, B, and C The French Revolution The American Revolution
Writings of Enlightenment thinkers All influenced the Latin American independence movement.

39 How did Napoleon Bonaparte influence the Latin American independence movement.
A. He stopped trade in Latin America B. He installed his brother on the Spanish throne C. He invaded Latin America D. He wrote article about Latin American independence

40 B. He installed his brother on the Spanish throne
Napoleon (French) by putting his brother on the thrown allowed the Spanish colonies in America to declare independence from Spain with out having to be disloyal to their deposed Spanish king. Deposed means to remove from office or position

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