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Progressive Conservatives & Other Oxymorons

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2 Progressive Conservatives & Other Oxymorons
This Ain’t No Roman Senate I Have No ‘Idea’ology It’s My Right! $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

3 Progressive Conservatives and Other Oxymorons
This Ain’t No Roman Senate I Have No ‘Idea’ology It’s My Right! $200 $200 $200 $200 $400 $400 $400 $400 $600 $600 $600 $600 $800 $800 $800 $800 $1000 $1000 $1000 $1000

4 Category 1 $200 Watch out! This person disciplines members if they speak out against their party. Whoo-ch!

5 The Cabinet is a part of this branch of government.
Category 1 $400 The Cabinet is a part of this branch of government.

6 This is the current Speaker of the House.
Category 1 $600 This is the current Speaker of the House.

7 Category 1 $800 These are the first and last steps of ‘How a Bill Becomes a Law’ in Canada.

8 Category 1 $1000 The Provincial Government mirrors the Federal Government in every way, except it does not have this one group.

9 Category 1 $200-Answer Party Whip

10 Category 1 $400-Answer Executive Branch

11 Category 1 $600-Answer Geoff Regan

12 The 1st Reading & Royal Assent
Category 1 $800-Answer The 1st Reading & Royal Assent

13 Category 1 $1000-Answer The Senate

14 This ideology is all about extreme nationalism.
Category 2 $200 This ideology is all about extreme nationalism.

15 Category 2 $400 This has an economic system based on community ownership of all property which is tightly controlled by the government. Daily Double

16 Category 2 $600 What is one of the ideologies has been practiced in Canada during the 20th century?

17 This ideology believes in the importance of a strong military.
Category 2 $800 This ideology believes in the importance of a strong military.

18 Category 2 $1000 Canada’s health care system is an example of this political ideology put into practice.

19 Category 2 $200-Answer Facism

20 Category 2 $400-Answer Communism

21 Conservatism or Liberalism
Category 2 $600-Answer Conservatism or Liberalism

22 Category 2 $800-Answer Conservatism

23 Category 2 $1000-Answer Socialism

24 Category 3 $200 This party is currently the majority government in the House of Commons and the head is currently Prime Minister.

25 Category 3 $400 This Canadian Political Party has one well earned seat in the House of Commons.

26 Category 3 $600 This party believes in welfare measures and is against the privatization of government-run corporations.

27 Category 3 $800 This is the type of government in the House of Commons where votes are equal amongst parties and parties must work together to pass laws.

28 Describe one of the roles of the Sargeant-at-Arms.
Category 3 $1000 Describe one of the roles of the Sargeant-at-Arms.

29 Category 3 $200-Answer The Liberals

30 Category 3 $400-Answer Green Party

31 Category 3 $600-Answer NDP

32 Category 3 $800-Answer Coalition government

33 Protects the security of the House of Commons
Category 3 $1000-Answer Protects the security of the House of Commons Carries the ceremonial mace

34 Category 4 $200 These are 3 of the basic freedoms that the Charter of Rights and Freedoms protects.

35 Affirmative action is meant to protect the rights of these groups.
Category 4 $400 Affirmative action is meant to protect the rights of these groups.

36 Category 4 $600 This ‘unwritten’ constitution instrument is a tradition still followed today. Parliament cannot be in session without it.

37 This is the purpose of the Canadian Constitution.
Category 4 $800 This is the purpose of the Canadian Constitution.

38 Category 4 $1000 The Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms is based on this 1948 document that came out of the end of WWII.

39 Category 4 $200-Answer -Fundamental Freedoms -Democratic Rights
-Mobility Right -Legal Rights -Equality Rights -Official Language Rights -Minority Language Rights

40 Category 4 $400-Answer Minority Groups

41 Category 4 $ Answer The ceremonial mace

42 Category 4 $800-Answer To define the limits of power and government (how laws will be made and who has the power to pass them). It is a belief system.

43 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights
Category 4 $1000-Answer The Universal Declaration of Human Rights

44 Final Jeopardy Elections

45 Final Jeopardy Party # of Seats % of Votes Bloc Q 44 12.7% Cons. 60
38% Liberal 155 39.3% NDP 21 10% Totals 280 100% Why did the Liberal Party win despite having less than 50% of the popular vote?

46 You have 30 seconds to consult…
Final Jeopardy Why did the Liberal Party win despite having less than 50% of the popular vote? You have 30 seconds to consult…

47 You have 15 seconds to consult…
Final Jeopardy Why did the Liberal Party win despite having less than 50% of the popular vote? You have 15 seconds to consult…

48 Final Jeopardy Why did the Liberal Party win despite having less than 50% of the popular vote? Time Is Up

49 Final Jeopardy - Answer
The Liberals won because they won the most seats in Parliament and the most votes in each riding. This is called the ‘first-past-the-post’ system of election. STV (Standardized Transferable Vote) is by % of popular vote - not a system in Canada.

50 Jeopardy Thank you for playing another fine round of America’s favorite question and answer game.

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