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Muthana Al-Shemeri Lab. Assistants, Mr Jamal Abdulfattah Mrs Ferdws

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1 Muthana Al-Shemeri Lab. Assistants, Mr Jamal Abdulfattah Mrs Ferdws
Serum Amylase Muthana Al-Shemeri Lab. Assistants, Mr Jamal Abdulfattah Mrs Ferdws

2 amylase [am´ĭ-lās] An enzyme synthesised in the pancreas and salivary glands and secreted in the GI tract which digests starch and glycogen. Structure

3 α-amylase production Amylase is one of several enzymes produced by the pancreas to help digest carbohydrates. Amylase is secreted through the pancreatic duct into the first part of the small intestine (duodenum), where it helps break down dietary carbohydrates. It is also produced by other organs, particularly the salivary glands.


5 Functions The main function for this enzyme is catalyzes the  hydrolysis of starch into simpler compounds. Types 1 - the α-amylases occur in animals. found in saliva, pancreatic juice, certain bacteria, and mold, catalyzes the hydrolysis of starches to dextrins,  maltose, and maltotriose. 2 - the β-amylases occur in higher plants. Found in grains, vegetables and bacteria. It is involved in the hydrolysis of starch to maltose.

6 Signs and symptoms When you have symptoms of a pancreatic disorder, such as 1- Severe abdominal pain, 2- Fever, 3- Loss of appetite, or 4- Nausea.

7 Why get tested? Primarily to diagnose and monitor  Acute pancreatitis, Chronic pancreatitis or Other pancreatic diseases like pancreatic tumor in rare cases, increased amounts of amylase are released into the blood. This increases concentrations of amylase in the blood will also present in the urine as amylase is eliminated from the blood through the urine.

8 Measurement of serum α- amylase
It is measured in patients with suspected pancreatitis:  serum and urine levels peak  4–8 hours after onset of acute pancreatitis, and normalise within 48–72 hours. α-amylase activity is an important diagnostic test for acute and chronic pancreatitis. Normal blood findings are 56 to 190 IU/L.


10 α-Amylase readings High increase:
Acute pancreatitis, severe glomerular dysfunction (low amylase clearance), pancreatic cancer, acute salivary gland  disease, severe diabetic ketoacidoses. amylase in the blood often increases to 4 to 6 times higher than the highest reference value, sometimes called the upper limit of normal. The increase occurs within 4 to 8 hours of injury to the pancreas and generally remains elevated until the cause is successfully treated. Then the amylase values will return to normal in a few days.

11 Moderate increase: Abdominal disturbance, salivary gland disorders. In chronic pancreatitis, amylase levels initially will be moderately elevated but often decrease over time with progressive pancreas damage. In this case, levels returning to normal may not indicate that the source of damage has been resolved.

12 Low α-amylase: New born up to 1 year (physiological). Symptoms of low amylase may indicate permanent damage to the amylase-producing cells in the pancreas. Decreased levels can also be due to kidney disease and toxemia of pregnancy.

13 Thank you

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