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62. RHYTHM & RHYME “Rhythm is a strong, regular, repeated beat in poetry. Rhyme is words that end in the same sound. Both rhythm and rhyme are the basics.

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Presentation on theme: "62. RHYTHM & RHYME “Rhythm is a strong, regular, repeated beat in poetry. Rhyme is words that end in the same sound. Both rhythm and rhyme are the basics."— Presentation transcript:

1 62. RHYTHM & RHYME “Rhythm is a strong, regular, repeated beat in poetry. Rhyme is words that end in the same sound. Both rhythm and rhyme are the basics for how poetry sounds.

2 Rhythm is important in poetry because it keeps the beat of the language pattern. It is the heartbeat pulse of the poem.

3 Rhyme is important in poetry because it creates music from the words
Rhyme is important in poetry because it creates music from the words. This also determines the phrasing and creates the sound of the poem.

4 Poetry is RHYTHM & RHYME
Rhythm: “Here in your arms is where I belong. The beating of your heart is like a beautiful song.” Rhyme: “Roses are red Violets are blue I’m out of my head Thinking of you.”

5 Here is an example of a Rhythm poem. The Pickety Fence, by David McCord.
The pickety fence, the pickety fence Give it a lick it’s, the pickety fence Give it a lick it’s, a clickety fence Give it a lick it's a lickety fence Give it a lick, give it a lick Give it a lick, with a rickety stick pickety pick. The rhythm in this poem is fast – to match the speed of the stick striking the fence.

6 Another example of a Rhythm and Rhyme poem is Where Are You Now
Another example of a Rhythm and Rhyme poem is Where Are You Now? By Mary Britton Miller When the night begins to fall And the sky begins to glow You look up and see the tall City of lights begin to grow – In rows and little golden squares The lights come out. First here, then there Behind the windowpanes as though A million billion bees had built Their golden hives and honeycombs Above you in the air. The rhythm in this poem is slow – to match the night gently falling and the lights slowly coming on.

7 An example of a Rhyming poem is All Things Bright and Beautiful, by Cecil Frances Alexander

8 There are 4 Kinds of Rhyme in a Poem:
END RHYMES: Rhyming of the final word of lines in a poem. “Under my window, a clean rasping sound When the spade sinks into gravelly ground.” INTERNAL RHYMES: Rhyming two words within the same line of poetry. “Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered weak and weary.”

9 Rhymes on words that look the same but are different.
EYE RHYMES: Rhymes on words that look the same but are different. “Shall I compare thee to a summer’s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate. Rough winds to shake the darling buds of May. And summer’s lease hath all two short a date. IDENTICAL RHYMES: Simply using the same word twice. “We paused before a house that seemed A swelling of the ground The roof was scarcely visible The cornice- in the ground.”

10 Do you ever use Rhythm and Rhyme when you speak?
Can you make an example of a sentence with rhythm? What about a rhyming sentence. BRAINSTORM

11 Writing #62: What is Rhythm and Rhyme and what are examples of each?
(Define) Rhythm is _____________________________________ . Rhyme is _____________________________________________. (Explain) Rhythm and rhyme are important in poetry because ___ _____________________________________________________. (Example) There are many examples of rhythm in a poem, for example: ___________________________________________, An example of rhyme in poetry is _________________________. (Describe: ) One line of rhyming poetry I like is _______________ _________________________________________________ .

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