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Presentation on theme: "OFNC ANCHOR MEN’S LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE"— Presentation transcript:

MENTORING: A NECCESARY CATALYST FOR ADVANCEMENT By Dr Abel Adegoke GP & OFNC Head of Mission, Evangelism & Discipleship

2 INTRODUCTION “We all carry the seeds of greatness within us, but we need an image as a point of focus in order that they may sprout”. Epictetus

3 Mentorship Mentorship:
a relationship in which a more experienced or more knowledgeable person helps to guide a less experienced or less knowledgeable person

4 Mentoring Mentoring: A learning relationship which help people to take charge of their own development, to release their potential and to achieve results they value a positive developmental partnership primarily aimed at building capacity and self-reliance in mentee by offering a reflective space where the mentee can take responsibility for and discuss their development. Purpose is to support and encourage people to manage their own learning in order that they may maximise their potential, develop their skills, improve their performance and become the person they want to be

5 Mentor A mentor a person or friend who guides a less experienced person, build trust and model positive behaviours dependable, engaged, authentic, and tuned into the needs of the mentee ‘Guide’ - Hands on guidance, explaining how and why; creating opportunities to learn ‘Challenger’ - Making Waves’; challenging, stimulating, questioning, probing ‘Role Model’ - Unseen, largely unfelt. The mentee unconsciously adopts aspects of the mentor’s thinking behaviours and/or style.

6 Mentoring Components Facilitating Challenging Advising Counselling
Coaching Networking

7 The Mentoring Cycle Rapport-building:
Developing mutual trust and comfort Contracting/Ground Rules: Exploring each other’s expectations of mentoring Direction-setting: Agreeing initial goals for the relationship Progress making: Experimentation and learning proceed rapidly Maturation: Relationship becomes mutual in terms of learning and mentee becomes increasingly self-reliant. Closure: Formal relationship ends, an informal one may continue This is the formal way of doing mentoring

8 BENEFITS OF MENTORING Relationship building Networking opportunity
Providing trusted support Enabling career development Providing guidance Opportunity for transfer/acquisition of knowledge and skills Enables social and emotional development

9 WHAT OUR 18-30s SAY Benefits for them:
“Helps to generate an attitude of dedication and helps to shape a reliable person” “Creates the opportunity for networking and connections within their particular field of expertise “Helps to grow and develop a friendly relationship in which each party mutually benefits. This relationship has the potential to open doors for the mentee and allows for the mentor to impart their wisdom and experiences” Helps one to learn how to relate well with older and more established professionals. This helps to grow self confidence and general relational skills, even when speaking in unfamiliar settings, which may otherwise not be available”

10 WHAT OUR 18-30s SAY More Benefits:
”Help to maintain discipline and boundaries that I struggle with myself” ‘Wants to learn from someone else’s wealth of experience and get a clearer direction on certain decision I’d like to make for my future growth” “It would be good to have someone rooting for me and I can be accountable to if I’m not delivering on set goals/target” “A form of ‘safe haven’” “To have someone to look up to”

11 CONCLUSION Real need for mentoring in our community
We have great resources available to achieve excellent outcome LET US MAKE IT HAPPEN


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