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The Media Societies Never before in the history of the planet have so many people-on their own-had the ability to find so much information about so many.

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Presentation on theme: "The Media Societies Never before in the history of the planet have so many people-on their own-had the ability to find so much information about so many."— Presentation transcript:

1 Željko Vučković, PhD, Faculty of Education, Sombor FROM CLICKING TO CRITICAL THINKING

2 The Media Societies Never before in the history of the planet have so many people-on their own-had the ability to find so much information about so many things and about so many other people.

3 Media Competence and Its Importance
An existing or static body of knowledge is no longer enough to cope with information explosion, changing work patterns, rapid growth of technologies and globalisation.

Individualized Learning: Student is the centre of education Individualized programs Self-learning with appropriate guidance Self-actualizing process Focus on how to learn Self-rewarding and enjoyable Localized and Globalized Learning: Multiple local and global sources of learning Networked learning Life-long and everywhere Unlimited opportunities World-class learning

5 What the Internet is doing to our brains?
Media are not just passive channels of information. We are not only what we read. We are how we read.

6 The Google Generation The students are reading less i writing with less clarity. Plagiarism, horizontal information seeking, cat-paste syndrom. Clicking replaces thinking.

7 I GOOGLE, THEREFORE I AM Search engines fit students life styles better than physical books and libraries Students perform horizontal information seeking The Net generation has high expectations of ICTs and has zero tolerance for delay They prefer visual information over text They do not respect intellectual property Young people have a poor understanding of their informations needs and thus find it difficult to develop effective search strategies The speed of young people s web searching means that little time is spent in evaluating information.

8 Definition of Media Competence
Media criticism, ability to analytically, ethically and reflexively connect to the media; Science of the media as knowledge of the media in the aspect of information about media system, as well as the ability of using the appropriate devices within instrumentally-qualification skills; Use of the media, both through reception and as a sender; Innovative and creative media creation.

9 Moser’s perception of media competence
Tehnical competence Cultural competence Social competence Reflexive competence

10 Media competences in the age of Web 2.0
The children and youth should get a chance to reflect spontaneous and entertaining use of digital media in a school, which characterize their imagination, by „experiencing new ways of learning, experiencing the processes of creation and thus they can assume the responsibility“.

11 Library Competence

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