The African Donor Map Mike Muchilwa 8/29/2018.

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Presentation on theme: "The African Donor Map Mike Muchilwa 8/29/2018."— Presentation transcript:

1 The African Donor Map Mike Muchilwa 8/29/2018

2 Bilateral Donors Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA),
United States Agency for International Development (USAID). European Union (EU) Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA/Sweden) DANIDA 8/29/2018

3 Bilateral Donors Norwegian Agency for Development (NORAD)
Australian Agency for International Development (AUSAID) Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ/Germany), Department for International Development (DFID/UK) Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) GIZ 8/29/2018

4 Bilateral Donors Belgium Technical Cooperation (BTC) Irish Aid
Royal Netherlands Embassy New Zealand Aid China Development Bank Guernsey Island 8/29/2018

5 United Nations Agencies
World Health Organization (WHO) United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA); UNAIDS United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) United Nations Development Program (UNDP) 8/29/2018

6 United Nations Agencies
International Labor Organization (ILO), United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM) United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) African Capacity Building Foundation 8/29/2018

7 International Foundations
Bill & Melissa Gates Foundation Ford Foundation (United States), Rockefeller Foundation (United States), Welcome Trust (United Kingdom), Soros Network of Foundations/Open Society (USA) Aga Khan Foundation (Switzerland) Bill Clinton Foundation HIVES Foundations Inside Out Trust Elton John Foundation Comic Relief (UK) 8/29/2018

8 International Foundations/Trust
Han Seidal Foundation Fredrich Neuman Richard Gere Foundation Japan Trust Fund Netherland Trust Fund JOICEFP Parkard Foundation Kleinwort Charitable Trust Alicia Keys Oprah Foundation 8/29/2018

9 International Foundations/Trust
Kellogs BEIT Trust Egmont Trust Diana Foundation JSI (John Snow Incorporated) AP (Atlantic Philanthropy) Open Society Aga Khan BVL (Bernard Van Leer) Big Lottery Fund Nelson Mandela Foundation Mc Arthur Foundation 8/29/2018

10 International Foundations/Trust
Stephen Lewis Foundation Oak Foundation EJAF Carnegie Packard Kenny EGPAF Rockfeller Foundation BMGF SC Foundation GSW – Foundation for population Women to Women International 8/29/2018

11 International Foundations/Trust
Mo Lemelson Ebert Hilton Foundation Merck & Co SDC Accordia Global Health Foundation Nelson Mandela Nyerere EDCTP One Foundation GGP – Japan White Ribbon Alliance 8/29/2018

12 Global Corporations Vodacom (UK) Citibank (USA) Coca-Cola (USA)
MicroSoft (USA) Barclays (UK) Shell (Netherlands) GSK – Positive Action Google (USA) 8/29/2018

13 Global Corporations Ebay (USA) Starbucks Airtel DOREP RABO Bank
Exxonmobil NOKIA NIKE Corporation 8/29/2018

14 Large Local Corporate Donors
Barclays Kenya Airways Standard Chartered Stanbic UBA ECOBANK CITIBANK South African Airways Sabmiller 8/29/2018

15 Large Local Corporate Donors
Econet North star SABS (South Africa) Americo Tobacco(Zambia) GSK GODRez Vodacom 8/29/2018

16 International Nongovernmental Organizations
Action Aid (United Kingdom) CARE (United States) Concern Worldwide (Ireland) Norwegian People's Aid (Norway) Medecins Sans Frontieres (France) Oxfam (United Kingdom) PLAN International (United Kingdom) Save the Children (United States) PACT Incorporated Engender Health Population Council 8/29/2018

17 International Nongovernmental Organizations
Pathfinder International (USA) Hope for the African Child Wings of Support ICCO (Netherlands) NOVIB Cordaid The International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF) Family Health International 8/29/2018

18 International Church-Based or Religious Organizations
Catholic Relief Services Christian Aid (United Kingdom), World Vision (United States) Adventist World Relief (USA) Map International (USA) CBM 8/29/2018

19 Global Funds (Special Funding Mechanisms)
The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) UNIFEM Fund for Women The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (GFATM) The pilot International Financing Facility for Immunization. USAID PEPFAR Feed the Future 8/29/2018

20 Multilateral Banks World Bank IFC ADB IMF Arab Bank 8/29/2018

21 Regional Economic Communities

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