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What does it look like? How can we work together?

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Presentation on theme: "What does it look like? How can we work together?"— Presentation transcript:

1 What does it look like? How can we work together?
Life in Year 1 What does it look like? How can we work together?

2 Blast off Book – bob! Once your children come through the door, they organise their belongings then start the day as soon as they’re ready! Organisation! Toolkit Whiteboard pack Boomerang book

3 intervention 1-1 readers Addressing misconceptions from the day before

4 Phonics Building on the work in Foundation Stage Groups
Reading and writing the sounds There is a ‘Phonics Check’ in June More information nearer the time

5 Phonics – you can help by…
Practising the sounds on the sheet that your child brings home Reading with your child

6 english Wow! We are using books but haven’t lost the creativity!

7 footprints

8 scratches

9 An egg!

10 English Learning to… Use capital letters and full stops Conjunctions
Understanding when something is and is not a sentence Conjunctions and, but, so, because Editing their own work Spellings Phonetically plausible Common misconception words (See Boomerang book)

11 English – you can help by…
Getting your child to speak in full sentences Practising the common misconception words so they can read and write them You will find the whole list in the Boomerang book In the Autumn term they form the spellings for each week

12 Maths Oooh…we are trialling textbooks and workbooks
Implementing the ‘Mastery Curriculum’ Whole class teaching Images to support understanding Importance of language Full sentences Same day intervention Meet Ray!

13 2. There are 2 lemons.

14 Ray’s misconceptions

15 Maths – you can help by… Encouraging your child to be fluent
Number facts (X-Factor) Real life Maths Could five people fit in the car? Four? Six? Why? Number formation Ten town Login is in your child’s Boomerang book

16 reading Moving from group work to whole class teaching
Fluency and understanding DERIC Decode Explain Retrieve Interpret Choice

17 Taken from Tuesday by David Wiesner
What does the word ‘confusion’ mean? What is the man drinking? What do you think the man is thinking? How has David Weisner shown that the man is surprised? Taken from Tuesday by David Wiesner

18 Reading – you can help by…
Listening to your child read Asking questions about the book to ensure they are understanding what they read Asking questions about the world around them!

19 Writing in the boomerang book
Please note in the Boomerang book when you hear them read Three times a week  homework stamp  homework prize draw Changing the books  need to know they’ve finished all the books Four books are sent home at a time Your child can read a book more than once

20 handwriting Letter formation Digit formation
Pencil grip – froggy fingers – ALL THE TIME! Starting to join by the end of the year

21 Connected curriculum What will you see today… Bright Lights Big City
This topic is all about London and meeting the Queen! Do you have any skills that could support this topic?

22 PE Philosophy Range of skills throughout the year PE kit in school
Dance – dinosaur PE kit in school Big Ideas! Making connections Working together Listening Taking turns Philosophy

23 Maths in year 1 How would you like to find out more about Year 1 Maths? Please tick whichever would suit you. Weekly session at 9am – mirroring Foundation Stage Thursday Friday Half-termly sessions In school time After school Evening Online information Other ideas… ___________________________________________

24 In the classroom Find your child!
They will have their books, writing and dinosaur puppet with them. Have a look at the work on the classroom displays and in the corridors Then hand in your child’s work and start designing a Christmas card If we are finished early then we will let you know if you can take your child. You must sign out. You won’t be able to pick up any siblings.

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