IT Training.

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1 IT Training

2 Our Word: Creating a Dissertation or Thesis
Delivered over two half-days, you will learn to: • Create and use templates, styles and AutoText. • Create and edit footnotes, page headers and footers. • Insert and manipulate graphics. • Use captions on tables and figures. • Combine all chapters into one document. • Create a table of contents/figures. • Create a suitable version of a thesis for electronic deposit. Full list available at Almost everyone who uses Microsoft Word uses it inefficiently Word is an incredibly powerful package, this course aims to show you how to use the full power of Word. Using the techniques covered in this course, we aim to automate all the laborious tasks such as formatting numbering, indexing etc to produce a consistent document that meets the University guidelines with the minimum amount of effort on your behalf. When you are writing, the only part of your writing that should not be automated is the content itself! The course lasts for 2 half days usually delivered on consecutive days. We have IT training labs on L4 of the Library. We are currently experimenting with running this course as an evening class as well, and expect to release new evening dates if the first (fully booked) course runs well. To attend the course visit our website and make a booking This course looks at the more advanced features in Microsoft word….

3 Endnote During the half-day course, you will learn to:
• Create an EndNote Library • Add references manually • Import references from online databases and Reference Manager Databases. • Manage your references - checking for duplicates and creating groups. • Cite your references - using Cite While You Write in Word and changing citation Styles. Full list available at

4 Other courses: Basic IT skills Word processing
Spreadsheets, databases & statistics Presentations Office 365 Tools for learning & research Image editing Web skills Programming Project management Subject-specific courses Full list available at

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