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Mulan By: Laura.

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1 Mulan By: Laura

2 Directors Tony Bancroft Barry Cook Writers Robert D. San Souci (Story) Rita Hsiao (Screenplay)


4 Plot synopsis Mulan’s weak father was chosen to fight in battle against the rising Huns. Mulan's father, who has a wound and cannot walk properly, decides to fight for his country and the honor of his family though he might not survive an enemy attack. Mulan, who just got rejected by the matchmaker because she had set her on fire, decides to prove that she is worth something, and takes her fathers place in the Chinese army. She prays to her family's ancestors for protection and luck before leaving like a man in her father's armor with her family's horse. The ancestors awake and decide to send Mushu, a little dragon to help Mulan in her quest. Mulan and the others have survived the training camp and are on the way north to stop the Huns. But then, they discover she is a woman. She decides to risk everything in order to save China. She returns and saves the emperor from Shan Yu, saving china and restoring her family’s honor.

5 Lead actors Ming Na Wen as Eddie Murphy as BD Wong as Pat Morita as
Harvey Fierstein as Jerry Tondo as Gedde Watanabe as Soon-Tek Oh as James Hong as Freda Foh Shen as Fa Mulan Mushu Li Shang The Emperor Yao Chien-Po Ling Fa Zhou Chi Fu Fa Li

6 Interesting Facts The story of Mulan was originally a poem
In the original story she fights for 12 years Mulan is rumored to have been a real person, and her story has been told in China for almost 2000 years. It took 5 years to complete Mulan Mulan is rumored to have been a real person

7 Mulan’s Movie rate Mulan’s movie rate is a 7.5

8 Mulan’s film location Mulan was filmed at Disney-MGM Studios in Orlando, Florida.

9 Why I like this movie I like this movie because Mulan is an independent thinker. Most people can relate to her story, and this movie has great messages. I also like this movie because I love her determination. Mulan demonstrates girl power. Lastly I like it because Mulan is an inspirational person who works hard.

10 Works Cited

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