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Customer Care FRONTLINE

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1 Customer Care FRONTLINE


3 On completion of this module, you will be able to:
1. LEARNING OUTCOMES On completion of this module, you will be able to: Describe the philosophies and practices needed to achieve the highest level of customer service in the retail industry. List the four types of communication skills needed for retail customer service. State the correct training process for new retail employees. Define positive reinforcement. Explain how positive reinforcement can be used to sustain excellent service behavior in employees. Discuss the four ways that retail managers can maintain a positive working environment.

4 2. The Philosophy of Retail Service
Retail employees spend more time in direct contact with customers than employees in any other industry. Because of this, customer service is an integral part of any retail business.  To serve the customer is the purpose of the retail industry. The industry is reliant upon sales from individual customers. Such an attitude should inform every aspect of a retail business. Customers should be viewed as a part of the business, not an outsider.  Retailers should constantly remember that customer service is fundamental to their business. It should become an integral part of their daily routine. Excellent customer service is what separates a retailer from their competition.  This topic will focus on the philosophies and practices needed to achieve the highest level of customer service in the retail industry.

5 The customer experience is influenced by their first impressions of the store front, the ease of locating and availability of merchandise, and their interaction with store personnel. These are all factors that can positively influence the customer.  Attention must be paid to the outside appearance of your stores and parking lots. Every morning as you come to work, look at your facilities through the eyes of a first time customer.  Does it look cared for, does it invite you to stop and come in?  If you were visiting for the first time, would you feel comfortable and want to come inside this store?  What can you do to improve and maintain a positive appearance? How does your store look when you first enter the doors?  Is it neat and clean, are the aisles clear, does signage help you find where you need to go?  Does it invite you in? Do the personnel in the store meet and greet customers as they come into the store, or into their departments?  Do they understand that no matter what their present task is, their first priority is greeting and helping the customer?  Do they understand that their interaction alone may influence how the customer perceives the store? Their attitude, their welcome, and willingness to help each customer will be the impression that the customer will hold in their minds. 

6 All personnel should understand that while they are at work and on the sales floor, or on the phone, they are representing the store. Even if they only work 10 hours a week, during those 10 hours they may be the factor that makes or loses a new or repeat customer.  Every retail employee should aim to make a difference, to interact positively with their customers, to feel that they are an important part of the store. If you make your customers feel appreciated, they will follow your lead. Think of the times when one person in a business or company has influenced the way you perceive that business (despite what you may know about the company or may have experienced in the past). Use this experience to influence the way you treat customers.  You do not want any customer to form a negative opinion of your store because they have to interact with someone working there who is having a “bad day”.  All personnel should think in terms of the impression they are giving each time they interact with a customer. Smile, be positive, be helpful, pay attention, and be sincere.

7 Every employee in the retail industry should understand that they are expected to provide excellent customer service and be aware of the consequences should these expectations not be met. It is an absolute given that the first priority of every employee is customer service. The 4 attributes of a retail employee.




11 3. Communicating with the Customer
Given the frequency with which retail employees interact with customers it is essential that they develop exceptional communication skills.  The communication skills needed are divided into the following four areas:

12 Listening Skills Listening to customers is the first communication skill needed to effectively interact with customers. This skill is perhaps the most important as staff cannot give customers what they want if they are not aware of their needs.  To communicate well with customers retail staff should follow the following procedures: Do not interrupt the customer Stay focused and pay attention to everything the customer says Ask questions if you are unclear about anything Repeat critical information Keep a positive attitude Don't get defensive

13 Positive Verbal Communication Skills
When you speak to customers you must use positive language. Ensure that your phrasing tells customers that you are eager to help. Furthermore, employees must remember that they are representing their organization. Everything you say should portray the organization as one that is dedicated to superior customer service.  Many phrases that are used in everyday conversation are unsuitable for speaking with customers.




17 Positive Non-verbal Communication Skills
While verbal communication plays a huge part in the retail customer service experience, non-verbal communication plays an equal if not more important role.




21 Solving Customer Problems
As hard as you and your organization try to provide excellent customer service, problems with customers will inevitably arise. When they do, you should adopt the following attitudes and practices: When emotions run high, don't get caught up in the emotional tangle of your customers. That will hinder your ability to serve customers effectively. When things go wrong, you have to separate the person from the performance and focus your energy on solving the problem.





26 4. Management in the Retail Industry
The previous topics of this module detail how important customer service is in the retail industry. For a retailer to offer excellent customer service consistently, a culture of superior service must exist in the organization. Such a culture must be defined by management. Furthermore, management must ensure that employees constantly exemplify this customer service culture. This topic will describe how a manager should implement a customer service program within a retail business.

27 Training Before employees can provide excellent customer service they must be well trained. Management should train employees in the following areas: Equipment: Employees should be taught how to use all operating equipment they are required to use such as cash registers, pricing machines, etc. Resource Materials: Be sure employees know where and how to use any reference materials that they might need to use such as manuals, lists, etc. Resource Personnel: Be sure employees know who to go to for help and to find answers to their questions and their customer's questions. Encourage all personnel to help each other. There should be designated personnel to train in specific tasks and areas. On the Job: Much training will be accomplished hands on, with instruction and help being given at the same time. Employees should ensure they pay attention and stay focused during their “on the job” training. Expectations: All personnel should thoroughly understand what is expected of them. They should understand that their first priority is customer service. Tell them they are expected to be courteous, attentive, and helpful. Rudeness and avoiding or ignoring a customer will not be tolerated. Consequences: All personnel should understand the consequences for failing to meet customer service expectations. The commitment to deliver excellent customer service is not just a policy, it is a job requirement. 

28 Positive reinforcement
Positive reinforcement is a powerful tool for sustaining excellent service behavior in employees. Reinforcement should be given to an employee immediately after they perform well. Managers should recognize behavior and acts that contribute to a pleasant and positive customer experience. The more immediate the reinforcement, the more powerful it is.  Employees should be recognized for their good work and for their good customer service skills. We all need positive reinforcement and like to be acknowledged for our contributions. Supervisors and fellow employees should work together to be sure that each person on the team is recognized for their outstanding customer service efforts.

29 Principles of Positive Reinforcement
Retail managers should be aware of, and use, the following principles of positive reinforcement: Once behavior is established, a relatively small amount of reinforcement will maintain that behavior. The more immediate the reinforcement, the more powerful it is. It is important to reinforce both excellence and progress. Reinforcement should be specific. Reinforcement exists only in the eyes of the beholder: not all things are reinforcing to all people. It is important to use reinforcement to help people link service behavior with service results.  

30 Maintaining a Positive Environment
A positive working environment is one in which employees are likely to provide a excellent customer service. Positive reinforcement goes a long way to create such an environment. However, employees have other needs which also need to be met to ensure a consistently high level of customer service. 





35 Store appearance Before a customer enters your store: They evaluate and form opinions based on tangibles such as advertising, location, outside appearance of the store, windows, signage, and parking lot. Do they look clean, well kept, well lighted, do they look like you care and take care of them? As they walk in the door: As a customer walks in the door more opinions and evaluations are formed. The customer will notice if the store is clean and orderly. They will decide if the layout is easy to understand and if the signage is helpful. During: During their shopping experience customers want to see that merchandise is organized and displayed well. They will decide if the store has what they are looking for. Making a purchase: As they make their purchase the customer will notice if the register area is neat and clean. They may also look for signage that explains the refund/exchange policy. 

36 Management must seek to have an organization that delivers the kind of service they would expect as a customer. This is the kind of service that makes a positive, lasting impression on customers.  You must always remember what good service is from your customer's point of view.  You need to meet expectations and satisfy needs in a positive manner. In providing excellent customer service, strive to be reliable, responsive, reassuring, and empathetic. To the customer you are the company. They do not distinguish between the company and its employees. You should always strive to create a customer service experience that creates long term customer relationships. It costs five times more to attract a new customer than it does to keep one you already have. Customers prefer to stay loyal than to search for a new retailer. Give them a reason to keep visiting your store. 

37 Module 3 Summary

38 Key lessons Retail employees spend more time in direct contact with customers than employees in any other industry. Because of this, customer service is especially important in a retail business.  The customer experience is influenced by their first impressions of the store front, the ease of locating and availability of merchandise, and their interaction with store personnel. Retail employees are required to execute their store's customer service philosophy in the following four areas: Expectation Involvement Responsibility Purpose Given the frequency with which retail employees interact with customers it is essential that they develop exceptional communication skills. 

39 The communication skills needed are divided into the following four areas:
Listening skills Positive verbal communication skills Positive non-verbal communication skills Solving customer problems. Managers should utilize positive reinforcement as a tool for sustaining excellent service behavior in employees. Before employees can provide excellent customer service they must be well trained. Management should train employees in the following areas: Equipment Resource materials Resource personnel On the job Expectations consequences

40 The appearance of a store has a huge influence on a customer's retail experience.
The four key points in which customers judge a store based on its appearance are: Before they enter the store As they walk in the door During their shopping experience Making a purchase

41 I am glad our paths crossed today
Thank you for your time I am glad our paths crossed today

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