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Evolution & Paleontology Writing Prompts

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1 Evolution & Paleontology Writing Prompts
Choose ONE of the following articles and write a 3-5 paragraph essay to answer ALL of the bullets for that article. Be sure to provide a short introduction and conclusion to your essay. Be sure to use information from the article as well as from our class notes and discussions when writing your essay. Rulers of the Jurassic Seas Explain how each of the following adaptations (limbs, back bone and eyes) changed as ichthyosaurs transitioned from land, to shallow seas, to open ocean swimmers and deep divers. Explain why each of these adaptations were successful. Explain the importance of the nearly complete fossil skeletons found of the Utatsusaurus and Chaohusaurus as they relate to the history of the more than 80 ichthyosaur species. Explain why these types of fossil finds are so important as an example of evidence of evolution and their importance in the fossil record as part of the “tree of life”. Once We Were Not Alone Explain the difference between the “single-species hypothesis” and the hominid family tree hypothesis displayed in the article. Why is the “single-species hypothesis” no longer accepted by paleontologists. Provide a summary of THREE hominid innovations discussed in the article. Explain why each is important. Explain why Homo sapiens were so successful over the past 100,000 years and exist today as the only hominid species still living. Do you think another hominid species will evolve in the future? Why or why not? Food For Thought Explain how food and our diets affected the evolution of bipedalism, large brains, and the migration out of Africa. Explain how our dietary needs are affecting the health of humans in developing nations and wealthier industrial nations today. Explain how evolution and natural selection have created these dietary health problems we are faced with today.

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