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Get a piece of paper out and answer this question

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1 Get a piece of paper out and answer this question
Why did Europeans go exploring? What European countries were involved? What were some famous explorers?

2 North Carolina and Exploration
North Carolina had been inhabited by Native Americans for thousands of years. However, due to Europeans exploration, North Carolina would have a new culture coming in. The Spanish had visited North Carolina exploring from Florida but they never fully tried to settle the area. However, back in England there were rumblings of starting there own ventures into the New World. Reasons for England to explore the New World Spain had a large military and they were afraid Spain might dominate. Spain was getting many treasures and resources from their new ventures in the New World and England wanted a piece of the action. England had a large population were many people were homeless and jobless. England wanted to start colonies so that people could provide opportunities of work and land for homes. The English had set their eyes on the Mid-Atlantic region of what is now the United States. That area seemed ideal for challenging Spanish power. The mid-Atlantic was too far away from Spanish Florida for the Spanish to attack by land. English ships could use bases there to monitor Spanish vessels carrying treasure from Central and South America.


4 Sir Walter Raleigh and Roanoke
In 1584, Sir Walter Raleigh organized the first English endeavor to settle in the New World. Queen Elizabeth of England (the daughter of Henry the VIII) granted him a charter, which gave him permission to organize a colony and promised that any land he colonized would belong to him. Raleigh sent out two scouts. Arthur Barlowe and 19-year old Philip Amadas were charged with finding a suitable site for a colony in the Americas. The two men and their crews left England on April 27, A few months later, on July 5, 1584 they arrived in the New World. They sailed up the eastern coast to Pamlico Sound and anchored near Hatteras Island. They named the land Virginia in honor of Queen Elizabeth (Because Elizabeth never married, she was known as the Virgin Queen)


6 When the Barlowe, Amadas and their small crew arrived, they eventually ran into three Algonquian Indians. Eventually, the leader of the tribe Wingina was recovering from war wounds so he sent his brother Granganimeo. Granganimeo along with advisors and some warriors went and met the English. Both sides made signs of friendship and started trading goods between one another. The Indians traded deerskins, coral and vegetable dyes for English plates, kettles, hatchets, knives and cloth. Wingina viewed the English as potential allies. When Barlowe and his group prepared to return to England, Wingina sent two men, Manteo and Wanchese with them to meet the English leaders and learn about the country. Barlowe and Amadas returned to England and told Sir Walter Raleigh about the land that they had explored. They described the fertility of the land and the hospitality of the Indians. Raleigh liked what he heard and then began to organize a group of people that could begin colonizing and build a military fort. The expedition would be led by Sir Richard Grenville and his lieutenant, Ralph Lane.


8 Manteo and Wanchese spent the winter in England
Manteo and Wanchese spent the winter in England. They met Queen Elizabeth and walked the London streets. They spent much of their time with mathematician Thomas Hariot, who planned to return with them to Roanoke. They learned English from him taught him their language, and told him about their land. During their stay, two men formed different opinions of English life. Manteo was impressed by English guns, carriages, clocks, books, and other marvels of technology. He decided the English were a powerful people who would make valuable allies. Wanchese was less enthusiastic. Though the English had carriages and clocks, hungry beggars fill the streets. The riches that technology produced had not spread to everyone. On Roanoke, in contrast there were no rich and poor. Chiefs did not feast while their people starved




12 North Carolina Exploration Questions Pg. 50-52
Give me 3 reasons why England wanted to explore the New World. Give me 2 reasons why the mid-Atlantic Region of the U.S. was good for England to settle. Who gave Sir Walter Raleigh a charter to explore? Who did he pick for his scouts? What happened on July ? Which Indians went back with the English to England? What did the scouts report back to Sir Walter Raleigh? What were the different views of the Indians about English society?

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