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Panelize all the Things!

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1 Panelize all the Things!

2 Panelize all the Things!
A Talk About Panelizer Drupal Pittsburgh Meetup October 14, 2014 David Trainer Minimal Media @minimalmedia

3 panelize (pan-l-ahyz)
v., used with object 1. To attach Panels functionality (to a Drupal entity)

4 What Does Panelizer Do? Attach Panels functionality to any entity
Customize available layouts and default content for any entity type

5 What Does Panels Do? Allows content editors to choose interesting content and easily manipulate it's position within a layout

6 Why is Panels Necessary?
We already have the block system

7 Why is Panels Necessary?
We can move blocks between different regions

8 Why is Panels Necessary?
Each block has a whitelist

9 Why is Panels Necessary?
Much more efficient interface than blocks, even blocks + context, especially for inexperienced users Block system has a dangerously broad scope Damage control: Panels confines editors to a node at a time

10 Why is Panels Necessary?
“Panels is a tool for unusually sophisticated and ambitious content editors, who can't be trusted with the keys to the entire block system”

11 Demo Let's panelize something already


13 Demo You can get all this panels hotness inside of 10 minutes
Without writing any code Essential modules: ctools, panels, panelizer

14 Demo – Panelize a node Add content type
Why create your own content type for this? Reusability You don't have to use the Panel content type, you can panelize your existing content types, and all this panels configuration is exportable!

15 Demo – Panelize a node Add content type
Full page override (you can panelize different view modes) Leave no default panel Panelize a single node

16 Demo – Panelize a node Gotcha!
Override node_view with Ctools page manager “The most common use case [for Page Manager] is to hand over the layout, and rendering of the path, to Panels.” ts-the-difference-between-page-manager-and-panels

17 Demo – Default Panel Configure the default layout and content of panelized entities devel_generate some users & Articles Change their layout, without writing a template Editors can still override the default Your panelized entities can offer multiple configurations to choose from

18 Demo – Views Content Panes
“Like blocks, but smarter” Add a view content pane to Articles List all the Articles by that author View content pane → UID contextual filter Panel context → Node author relationship Pane settings → %user:uid and %node:nid tokens

19 More Interesting Panels Layouts
Omega Write your own

20 What Have we Learned? Panels layout tools are powerful and accessible
Panelizer default panels let you manipulate the layout of many entities all at once Views content panes are super useful You can fine-tune control over layout with your own custom Panels layouts

21 Thanks merlinofchaos EclipseGc on Page Manager: Johan Falk: Page Manager + Panels + Views Content Panes integration: manager

Q&A @minimalmedia

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