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eRA & eRA Commons – Systems & Resource overview

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2 eRA & eRA Commons – Systems & Resource overview
RPPR reporting process at the RSPH RAS

3 eRA = electronic Research Administration
Login here Left hand side – modules, NIH guides/notices, PubRoster for PIs

4 “eRA Commons is an online interface where SOs, PIs, Trainees, and Post-Docs at institutions/organizations can access and share administrative info relating to research grants” Definition source:

5 Status tab – VERY useful, and possibly your new best friend!

6 Status Tab – General Search
Can search by Grant Number (can search by any piece of the grant application ID), PI Last / First Name, Budget start date RANGE and/or Budget End date RANGE DEMO – 1) search by Activity Code + PI last name (for info on R01 that “LastName” submitted – info to include project listing on Other Support/Biosketches, effort level budgeted for key personnel, planned subcontracts, etc). Search Khatri – APRISE application & show document event log, when the SRG / Study Section will take place, IC assignment confirmation, etc. OR, suggestions from Group - 2) You inherit a T32 approximately 10 years in, with very minimal background information and no departmental administrator to check with on any history. Grant Number: search using any application ID component 3 T32 CA S1 PI Name: First or last name; no special character entry necessary Budget start and or end date rage

7 General Search – USEFUL SCENARIOS
Search by R01 Activity Code + PI last name - for info on all R01s for which “LastName” is currently AND previously PI, along with “pending” R01 submissions Budget info for overall project Planned effort contribution information Previous years’ RPPRs Previous years’ FFRs Estimate on when funding decision will be made (new) Subcontracts planned & associated budgets Original application Scope (Specific Aims, etc) for any questions you might have about allowable costs Search by T32 Activity Code + PI Last name – Prior year FFRs Previous Trainee Appointments Prior year RPPRs ANY OTHER INFO TYPES TO SEARCH FOR?

8 Status Tab – Pending Progress Report
Search options: PI Last name – for any RPPRs your Faculty Member will have due in the next 12mos All fields blank - full list of all RPPRs due from Emory investigators in the next 12mos Narrow by picking School or Division from Dropdown

9 Status Tab – Recently Awarded
Days since award – editable search field

10 RPPR submission process at RSPH
CURRENT PI initiates & begins work (science / project related sections) 2. Routes to WHO?? Inconsistency at this step. Possibilities: Admin / Prog Coordinator – asks info from RAS Pre & RAS Post as needed, completes OSP contact – makes corrections, asks for info from RAS, Admin, and/or PI, submits! Submits to NIH! Possible ERROR!! Admin OSP Possible ERROR!! NIH PI RAS-Pre RAS-Post

11 RPPR submission process at RSPH –
STREAMLINED PI initiates & begins work (science / project related sections) 2. Routes to RAS Pre-Award – FINISHES report; sends pdf to PI for approval 3. Routes to Kim/Lois – performs final check preventing any agency error 4. Kim/Lois – submits to OSP who submits to NIH Kim/Lois OSP NIH PI Pre Post RSPH RAS Admin

12 Overview of RPPR components in eRA Commons
A. Cover Page B. Accomplishments – PI COMPLETES C. Products – PI COMPLETES D. Participants - RAS E. Impact – usually N/A (except for foreign expenditure question – RAS) F. Changes – usually N/A G. Special Reporting Requirements - usually N/A H. Budget – RAS *PDF attachments – Follow S2S formatting requirements (Arial, Helvetica, Palatino Linotype or Georgia; 11pts or larger; 0.5” margins; no PI name or pagination) Data input - RPPR data fields are prepopulated with data specific to the grant on which you’re reporting. VERY CONVENIENT! Areas within the above sections that are grayed out – IGNORE! Text boxes – RTF format (ie, no symbols, plain text) with 8,000 character limit PDF attachments – can be uploaded in lieu of text box entry.

13 STEP 1 - PI initiates.

14 STEP 2 - PI updates all Science / Technical Info

15 B Accomplishments B.1: What are the major goals of this project? (Goals = Specific Aims) B.2: What was accomplished under these goals? B.3: Competitive Revisions/Administrative Supplements – Yes or No (if one was awarded during this reporting period. if YES: RAS needs check grant number (3R01CA S1) accuracy PI describe Specific Aims & Accomplishments B.4: What opportunities for training and professional development has this project provided – N/A (unless it’s a T, F, K, R25, R13, D43). B.5: How have results been disseminated to communities of interest? B.1 - Goals = Specific Aims. Can either copy from original proposal, or summarize/abbreviate; RTF text box in Commons; populate for -02 only, b/c subsequent periods this will be grayed out (prior agency approval required). B.2 Accomplishments – no box input in Commons, looks for this to be addressed in the material they upload as a pdf file or send to you. B.4 – if N/A check NOTHING TO REPORT box. – OSP may push back if they see a postdoc having been supported. There are other areas to enter this for normal non-training grants B.5 – same as B.4 – only applicable if award was designed to disseminate info or for outreach. Websites – no need to list. B.6: What do you plan to do during the next reporting period to accomplish goals? RTF box – MUST have text entered (or will err out when submitted).

16 C Products C.1: Publications or manuscripts accepted for publication during the reporting period resulting directly from this award? C.2: Website(s) or other internet site(s)? C.3: Technologies or techniques? C.4: Inventions, patent applications, or licenses? C.5: Other products and resource sharing? B.1 - Goals = Specific Aims. Can either copy from original proposal, or summarize/abbreviate; RTF text box in Commons; populate for -02 only, b/c subsequent periods this will be grayed out (prior agency approval required). B.2 Accomplishments – no box input in Commons, looks for this to be addressed in the material they upload as a pdf file or send to you. B.4 – if N/A check NOTHING TO REPORT box. B.5 – same as B.4 – only applicable if award was designed to disseminate info or for outreach. Websites – no need to list.

17 STEP 3 - PI routes to RAS Pre-Award
D Participants D.1: What individuals have worked on the project? a. CONNECT with your RAS Post-Award – check BI & ERS and review all personnel charged to the grant; list if >8.33% annualized or 1 person month per year over reporting period. b. Confirm with PI (at PI review stage or while working in the system) c. Round to nearest whole person month d. eRA Commons User ID MANDATORY for postdoctoral, undergraduate, or “postdoctoral like” role d. – mandatory except for xTrain (2271) appointees If an individual’s role has changed during the reporting period, list the most senior role Individuals listed in previous year’s RPPR are still listed; click “Edit” next to individual’s listing to update effort applied during current reporting period. Do not list “Other Significant Contributors” if they have no measurable effort on the project Last 4 digits of SS# and DOB are optional entries. PI – even if PI devotes 0.1 – 0.4 cal mos, you should definitely still list.


19 if YES: RAS needs to verify that prior agency approval is on record.
D.2: Personnel Updates D.2.a: Will there be either a (1) reduction of 25% or more in level of effort approved by agency for PD/PI from or Senior/Key Personnel or (2) reduction in level of effort below the minimum amount of effort required by NOA? if YES: RAS needs to verify that prior agency approval is on record. PI provides reasoning/justification for prior agency approval D.2.b: Will there be new Senior/Key Personnel? if YES: RAS attaches Biosketch & Other Support for each (1 pdf file). D.2.c: Change in active other support of Senior/Key since last reporting period? if YES: RAS includes updated Other Support file & notes changes. Previously active grant has ended, or if previously pending grant is now active? *YES – this constitutes a change* New pending projects, or for changes in level of effort on projects previously? *NO – this does not constitute a change*

20 D.2.d: Are there or will there be new other significant contributors?
if YES: RAS includes Biosketches (upload as one pdf). D.2.e: Will there be a change in MPI Leadership Pan for next budget period? if YES: RAS requests and uploads a revised MPI Leadership plan detailing changes. OSC – contribute to development of project but no measurable effort is directly charged. Revision of MPI Leadership plan does not require prior approval; check N/A if not an MPI project.

21 E Impact E.1 – What is the impact on the development of human resources? E.3 – What is the impact on technology transfer? E.4 – Report only first-tier subaward dollars by country (exclude foreign travel, purchases, etc unless actually part of the subaward to the country). Enter dollar value, select country from dropdown, and if there are additional countries, click Add/New to report on the additional country. If a field is applicable for your award (ie, not grayed out – review Chapter 7 of RPPR guide, Supplemental Instructions.

22 F Changes Check No Change box or upload a pdf describing the changes.
F.1: Changes in Approach and Reasons for Change? F.2: Actual or anticipated challenges or delays and actions or plans to resolve? F.3: Significant changes to human subjects, vertebrate animals, biohazards, and/or select agents Check No Change box or upload a pdf describing the changes. Most RPPRs will not need to address anything in this section, since prior agency approval is required.

23 G Special Reporting Requirements
G.1: Special Notice of Award and Funding Opportunity Announcement Reporting Requirements G.2-G.3: Not applicable to most awards (review RPPR instruction guide chapter 7). G.4: Human subjects / clinical trial / exemption & enrollment report data; identifier (NCT number) G.5: Human subjects education requirement (training grants only) G.6: Human embryonic stem cells? hESC Registration number from NIH Registry must be listed. G.7: Vertebrate animals?

24 G.10: Estimated Unobligated Balance – CONNECT with Post-Award RAS
G.8: Project/Performance Site – designate Emory as Primary and add/delete new sites or dropped sites. G.9: Foreign component – provide Organization name, country, & description. G.10: Estimated Unobligated Balance – CONNECT with Post-Award RAS G.10.a: Will EUB be >25% of current year’s total approved budget? If YES – type amount in RTF box. G.10.b: Provide an explanation for the unobligated balance (RTF box) G.10.c: If authorized to carryover, describe how funds will be spent. G.11: Program Income? If yes provide amount and source(s). Estimate of unobligated balance includes any carryover regardless of whether or not the carryover was awarded at the time you’re submitting the RPPR. G.12: Change in performance sites that will affect F&A costs? If yes, explain in RTF box.

25 H Budget H.1: Budget form – follow SF424 (R&R) Application Guide for PHS Agencies Budget Component instructions.


27 H.2: Subaward Budget form – follow SF424 (R&R) Application Guide for PHS Agencies Budget Component instructions, special instructions for preparing applications with Subaward/Consortium. H.1 Budget type must be selected and editable in order to select SF 424 Research and Related Subaward Budget from H.2 dropdown.

28 RPPR work is complete – SAVE.
1. Manage RPPR 3. Route to A/O S/O listed on Cover Page After you confirm there are no errors, print a pdf of the report and send to PI for approval. 2. Check for Errors

29 Your Program Coordinator / Administrative Specialist
RESOURCES Your PI Your Program Coordinator / Administrative Specialist Your RAS Pre-Award or Post-Award counterpart Notice of Award

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