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David Schaffer, M.Ed, LAT, ATC, CSCS

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Presentation on theme: "David Schaffer, M.Ed, LAT, ATC, CSCS"— Presentation transcript:

1 David Schaffer, M.Ed, LAT, ATC, CSCS
Officiating your body David Schaffer, M.Ed, LAT, ATC, CSCS

2 Goals Think of yourselves from a different perspective
Understand your body better Starting point

3 Things to think about Personal injury history Frequent issues
Daily Routine Current activity level

4 Statistics 4.5 – 6 miles covered per game 3 games per week
Full time job Average age: 40+ Most injuries occur at the beginning of the season

5 Preparing for the Season
Starts now – 7 weeks until first scrimmage Easier to recover from injury in a down period than in season Must condition or recondition for the demands of the sport Mindset – Officiating is an athletic activity

6 Preparing for the Season
Exercise 4-6 days a week Lifting Based on experience Full Body Daily/weekly progress Conditioning Jogging (Long Slow Duration) Sprints and Intervals

7 Sample Basic Workout Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Leg Press (Legs)
Dumbbell Bench (Chest) Cable row (Back) Hamstring Curls Step Ups Bridges Abductor Machine Lateral Raises Front Raises Triceps Extension Bicep Curls Calf Raises Seated Calf Raises

8 Sample Workout Plan Compound/Big Movements (Legs, Chest, Back)
Weight Added Isolation/Small Movements (Shoulders, Arms, Calfs, Hamstrings) Week 1 5x5 3x10 Week 2 Legs +10, Upper Body +5 4x10 Same as week 1 Week 3 4x8 +5 Week 4 Same as week 3

9 Sample Conditioning Plan
Fartlek Run – mixed periods of fast and slow running. Interval Run – Mixed periods of running and rest. Usually 1:1 or 1:2 work to rest 30”/30” 20”/40” 1’/2’ Long Slow (min) Week 1 15 Week 2 17 Week 3 19 Week 4 21

10 Putting it all Together
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri Sat Plan 1 Lift Run Plan 2 Lift/Run Plan 3 Plan 4 Plan 5

11 Travel Dehydrates and tightens up body Goals: Rehydrate
Stretch – Hip Flexors, Chest, Achillies Hotel heat packs Soft Tissue Massage

12 Pregame and Warmup Why warmup? Jog Dynamic warmup Stretch
Ready body for activity Jog Dynamic warmup Stretch Address problem areas

13 Sample Warmup Jog Jog/Sprint/Jog High knees Stretch Butt Kicks
Hamstrings Quads Shuffle both ways Groin/Hips Karaoke Back Back Peddle

14 Cooldown Bring body back down from a heightened activity level to a state of rest Jog Stretch Legs up on wall

15 Recovery Becomes more important as the season progresses
Have to eat after every game calories burned per game Sleep Main time of body repair

16 Common Injuries Hamstring Strains Low Back Pain and Tightness
Chronic Knee Pain Shin Splints Achilles Tendonitis What is it Common Causes Exercises and stretches

17 Hamstring Strains

18 Hamstring Strain What is it? Common Causes
A tweak, a pull, a strain, a tear Common Causes Sudden changes in speed and direction Overuse

19 Hamstring Strains Hamstring Curls Step Ups

20 Hamstring Strains Goblet Squat Standing Hamstring Stretch

21 Lower Back Pain

22 Lower Back Pain Common Causes Muscle tightness Poor posture
Weak or inactive glutes Disc herniation Spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis

23 Lower Back Pain Bridges Single Arm Row

24 Lower Back Pain Foam Rolling Hip Flexor Stretch

25 Knee Pain

26 Knee Pain What is it? Where is it? IT Band Syndrome (Outside Pain)
Patella Tendonitis (Below knee cap) Patellofemoral Compression (Around knee cap) Old Injuries and Past Surgeries Ligament Damage (clicking, locking, significant swelling, pain behind knee)

27 Knee Pain Leg Press 30°, 60°, 90° Abductor Machine

28 Knee Pain IT Band Foam Rolling

29 Shin Splints

30 Shin Splints What is it Common Causes Flat feet (pronation)
Pain along the front or back of the shin (tibia) Common Causes Flat feet (pronation) Poor mechanics (Knee cares in) Sudden increase in activity Improper shoes Overuse

31 Shin Splints Heel Walking Cable Ankle Pumps

32 Shin Splints Heel Touch Bent Knee Calf Stretch

33 Achilles Tendonitis

34 Achilles Tendonitis What is it Common Causes
Inflammation of the Achilles Tendon Common Causes Overuse Sudden increases in activity

35 Achilles Tendonitis Leg Press Calf Raises Seated Calf Raises

36 Achilles Tendonitis Standing Calf Stretch

37 When to seek help Immediate and apparent swelling
Pain that worsens over time Impact on activities of daily life Numbness, tingling, radiating pain Audible and/or sensation of pop, snap, crack

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