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Practical physiology temperature

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1 Practical physiology temperature j kadhum

2 Body temperature Body temperature is tightly controlled to maintain normal metabolic processes. This control is achieved by the hypothalamus.

3 Clinical thermometer

4 It is measured by centigrade (Celsius) scale but many countries (USA) are using Fahrenheit scale. The normal range of the body temperature is C˚. F

5 Body temperature is recorded as
degree of centigrade(c) or degree of Fahrenheit F=(9/5 XC) +32 =(9/5X37)+32=98.6 to change Fahrenheit to centigrade subtract 32 and multiply 5/9. C=(F-32)X5/9 =(100-32)x5/9=37.8

6 Heat is produced by:- Metabolic process. Food intake (dynamic action).
Exercise (contraction of skeletal muscles). Hot environment such as sun, heater.

7 Heat is lost through:- Skin 97 % (radiation, conduction and evaporation) Expired air 2%. Urine and feces 1%.

8 Physiological variation
1- In women, the temperature may be one Celsius degree higher during ovulation. 2- The temperature of people who live in hot area 0.5 C˚ more than those live in cold area. 3- The temperature at evening 0.5 C˚ more than morning due to increase metabolism. 4-The temperature in groin and axilla is low 0.5 C˚ than that in the mouth while in the rectum its 0.5 C˚ higher.

9 Routs of temperature measurement:-
1- Mouth route, the most commonly used route and used in a conscious adult and in children older than 5 years. 2- Axilla route is used in unconscious adult and children. 3- Groin route is used in infant and smaller children. 4-Rectal route is now rarely taken.

10 Oral temperature measurement
1-clean thermometer, by alcohol 2-if the mercury 45c,lower it to below35.6c 3-insert bulb inside mouth under the tongue 4-leave it 2-5 minutes 5-remove it and read

11 Contraindication of oral temperature
1-infant 2- unconscious patients 3-inflammation or surgery of mouth 4-persistant frequent coughing 5-Mouth breathing patients



14 Temperature chart

15 2-the rectal method (in the rectum)
Most accurate Left the thermometer 2-3 min Its half degree higher than that recorded in the mouth Indication 1-in infant and children 2-unconscious patient 3-in patient with epilepsy


17 Indirect method 1-Axilla or groin
Because of skin and connective tissue the temperature recorded is lower than half degree than that of mouth. Used for babies and old ages -put the thermometer in axillary flexure while upper arm held close to body


19 2-AURAL take with a special thermometer that placed in the ear or auditory canal detect infrared energy radiating from blood vessels in the tympanic membrane since provide body core temp.

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