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The Prokaryotes Eubacteria & Archaea

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Presentation on theme: "The Prokaryotes Eubacteria & Archaea"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Prokaryotes Eubacteria & Archaea
Image from: (This website has the byline: “Transforming the world with the Truth of Creation”…it would be interesting to examine the kind of evidence presented to challenge Evolution.)

2 Once upon a time, there were only 5 Kingdoms…
Image from:

3 …and then in 1977 Carl Woese looked very closely at the Archaea…
…and determined that they weren’t just another taxon of the kingdom Monera Image from:

4 Archaea chemistry of cell membrane & cell wall very different from Eubacteria genetic information distinct from Eubacteria & eukaryotes Image from:

5 Phylogeny of 3 Domains Image from:

6 Archaea methanogens halophiles extreme thermophiles psychrophiles

7 Prokaryotes single-celled organisms no membrane-bound organelles
Image of cyanobacteria from:

8 Importance of Prokaryotes
pathogens helpful roles in ecosystems & organisms commercial uses Image of E. coli from:

9 Bacterial Diseases scarlet fever (Streptococcus pyogenes)
tetanus (Clostridium tetani) botulism (Clostridium botulinum) anthrax (Bacillus anthracis) cholera (Vibrio cholerae) etc.

10 Eubacteria Common characteristics: single loop of DNA + plasmids
ribosomes one or more flagella, small hairlike pili complex cell walls with peptidoglycan Extremely diverse domain… Image from:

11 Shapes Image from:

12 Metabolism obligate aerobes facultative aerobes obligate anaerobes

13 Reproduction binary fission conjugation transformation
horizontal gene transfer Image from:

14 Antibiotics & Resistance
Image from:

15 Image from:

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