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Violence and Suicide Prevention Review

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1 Violence and Suicide Prevention Review

2 Name that type of violence…
Using an object or part of one’s body to control a person’s actions; biting, hitting, kicking, punching, etc. Physical Violence

3 Name 3 things that kids who are bullied are more likely to do/have happen:
Increased depression, anxiety, sadness, loneliness Changes in sleep/eating patterns Loss of interest in once enjoyed activities Decreased academic achievement (Grades, test scores, diploma completion) Decreased participation and attendance Violent retaliation

4 If you hang out with people who have high rates of violence and other crimes, you are more likely to follow in their violent behaviors; if this happens, you are experiencing this factor contributing to violence Friend Influence

5 Do Prosocial behaviors increase or decrease your risk of being a victim of violence?

6 What are 2 (of many) community resources that you could contact for help if someone is considering suicide? OR Youth Line Clackamas County Crisis Line Trevor Project (for LGBTQ youth)

7 Type of bullying in which the victim’s personal belongings are being destroyed
Property Damage

8 Name that type of violence…
Forcing someone to unwillingly take part in any intimate/sexual activity Sexual Violence

9 Name 3 things that kids who bully others are more likely to do/have happen:
Abuse of alcohol/drugs as teens and adults Get into more fights and vandalize property Drop out of school Engage in sexual activity at an early age Have numerous criminal convictions or traffic citations as adults Be abusive towards their partner, spouse, or children as adults

10 This factor contributing to violence involves financial strain and fear of losing a job

11 Which percentage of people who kill themselves have a diagnosable mental illness?

12 This factor contributing to violence involves children learning to imitate violent behaviors they see in the home such as: anger, shouting, hitting, and emotional abuse Family Influence

13 Learning to recognize signs that you are becoming angry and then taking action to calm down in a healthy way Anger Management

14 What are 3 effects on your health that long-term violence, anger, and aggression can have on your health? 1. Increased risk of heart disease 2. Increased risk of heart attacks and strokes 3. Weakened immune system- getting sick more often 4. Shortened Lifespan

15 This factor contributing to violence is when some groups of people objectify women, believe only men are in charge, and empower men through tough and aggressive behaviors. Cultural Beliefs

16 People who have feelings of being overwhelmed, out of control, or in a crisis might have this factor contributing to violence at the root of their violent outburst. Stress

17 Name that type of behavior…
Holding back ideas, feelings, or decisions Passive Behavior

18 Lack of quality treatment, overcrowded prisons, and lenient sentences may result in violent offenders reoffending; when this happens this factor contributing to violence is the cause. Breakdown in the Criminal Justice System

19 Name 5 positive ways to manage anger:
Think about ideas for how to solve it Go to a quite place Talk to someone about it Write about it Turn anger into something creative Get physically active Listen to music Meditate/Yoga Deep Breathing/Tense and Release

20 Name 2 things that you can do to end an unhealthy relationship in a safe way.
If you don’t feel safe, don’t break up in person If you break up in person, do it in a public place, have a friend/parent near by, and bring a cell phone Don’t try to explain your reasons more than once. If you think your ex will come to your house when you’re alone, tell someone Don’t answer the door if your ex does come to your house when you’re alone.

21 Name that type of violence…
Saying or doing something to make a person feel stupid or worthless; teasing, bullying, threats, intimidation and humiliating, etc. Emotional Violence

22 What 3 things happen inside your body when you become angry?
1. Your stress hormones speed up your breathing and heart rate 2. You then get a burst of energy 3. Your blood vessels tighten and your blood pressure increases

23 Type of bullying in which the victim is being punched, kicked, etc.

24 Our body's primitive and automatic response that prepares the body to attack back or run away from perceived attack, harm or threat to our survival, is known as: Fight or Flight Response

25 Name that type of behavior…
Using words or actions which are disrespectful towards others Aggressive behavior

26 Name that type of violence…
Physical, sexual, or psychological harm by a current or former partner or spouse Intimate Partner Violence

27 Do assertive behaviors increase or decrease your risk of being a victim of violence?

28 1. Identify your triggers and stay away from them
What are 3 things that you can do to lower your risks of negative health effects resulting from violence and aggression? 1. Identify your triggers and stay away from them 2. Change your response… try: 3. Deep Breathing 4. Meditation 5. Change your environment- walk away 6. Exercise 7. Counseling

29 Name that… The ability to control a sudden/strong urge or desire to act Impulse Control

30 Name 3 characteristics of an unhealthy relationship:
Physical, Emotional, Sexual abuse Denies abuse/blames it on you Intimidating looks/actions to try and control you Controlling behaviors (what you do, say, where you go, who you’re with, etc.) Regulates the money Humiliates you/makes you feel unworthy Threatens to harm you/themselves if you leave Manipulating statements “If you loved me…”

31 What are the 2 most common mental illnesses that people who attempt/complete suicide have been diagnosed with? Depression Substance Abuse Disorder (Addiction)

32 When protestors become physically and verbally violent at Presidential rallies, this factor contributing to violence is the cause. Political beliefs/differences

33 Name 5 risk factors of suicide:
Family history Previous suicide attempts Prolonged depression/anxiety Financial difficulties Bullying victim Serious illness of yourself/loved one Loss of loved one through death/rejection Excessive drug or alcohol use Sexual assault/abuse

34 Name that type of violence…
Harm as a result of practices that are a part of one’s culture, religion, or tradition; ex: hate crimes Ethnoviolence

35 What are 2 people/places to which you can safely report a violent/abusive situation?
Trusted adult Teen Health Center (Medical Professional) Oregon Youth Hotline Sexual Assault Resource Center Teen Dating Violence Hotline Domestic Violence Hotline

36 Type of bullying in which the victim’s reputation and relationships are being damaged

37 What is Desensitization?
Feeling less sensitive, shocked, or distressed at scenes of cruelty, violence or suffering due to overexposure to these things.

38 Name that type of behavior…
Honestly expressing your feelings and ideas in a way which expects respect, is not intimidating, but resolve conflicts peacefully Assertive behavior

39 Name 5 negative ways to manage anger:
Hurting yourself physically Hurting yourself emotionally Withdrawing from life Taking risks Overeating Using alcohol or drugs Insulting others Harming others Throwing tantrums Destroying property Taking revenge

40 Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, jokes/comments, etc. which create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment Sexual Harassment

41 Do Passive behaviors increase or decrease your risk of being a victim of violence?

42 Suicide is the _____ leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds in Oregon?

43 Do aggressive behaviors increase or decrease your risk of being a victim of violence?

44 Type of bullying in which the victim is being teased harasses, intimidated, or cyber-bullied

45 Name that type of behavior…
Empathy, concern for others, helping, sharing, volunteering, and donating are all examples of: Prosocial Behaviors

46 Name 3 characteristics of a healthy relationship:
Ability to speak up without fear Mutual respect for each other Being able to compromise Supportiveness Respecting Privacy Trust Appropriate Boundaries

47 This factor contributing to violence may create a hopeless environment where violence is seen as the only way to get what one wants/needs Poverty

48 Why do adolescents have trouble with controlling angry/violent impulses?
Because their prefrontal cortex does not finish developing until around age 25.

49 This factor contributing to violence includes excessive exposure to violence on TV, in movies, and on video games. Media and Technology

50 Name that type of violence…
Using force to control and maintain power over another person in the home environment. Domestic Violence

51 Suicide is the _____ leading cause of death for 15-24 year olds in the US?

52 Name that type of violence…
Using threats to cause fear in a person to gain control; destruction of property, stalking, threatening harm if they leave, social isolation, etc. Psychological Violence

53 This factor contributing to violence includes one person/group of people being treated cruelly.
Discrimination or Oppression

54 How are drug/alcohol abuse and sexual assault/abuse related to one’s risk of committing suicide?
Both drug abuse and sexual assault/abuse increase one’s risk of thinking about, attempting, and committing suicide.

55 If you think someone is thinking about committing suicide… what are 4 things that you can do to help them not do it? Keep an eye out for warning signs- don’t leave them alone if you see any Take any threats seriously Let them know how much you care Listen and don’t act shocked by what they say Empathize and sympathize Ask direct questions about whether they are thinking about hurting themselves Don’t belittle their feelings by telling them they don’t mean it or couldn’t do it Help them get help- call the hotline with them, use available community resources, etc. Tell someone- don’t keep it a secret

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