Political Cartoons Students will analyze the elements of political cartoons. Students will create 10/14/2013.

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1 Political Cartoons Students will analyze the elements of political cartoons. Students will create 10/14/2013

2 Political Cartoon Elements
The goals of a political cartoon are to influence public opinion and to depict what is currently going on in US government Caricatures Symbolism Irony Labeling Sarcasm 1. Irony – the use of words to convey their opposite meaning (give examples) 2. Sarcasm – a sharply mocking remark intended to hurt 3. Propaganda – The systematic sharing of an idea or doctrine

3 Caricatures – exaggerated personal characteristics to make the picture more humorous

4 Symbolism is used to clarify the cartoon’s deeper meaning
Questions to ask: What is a symbol in this cartoon?

5 Examples of Symbols Peace – dove, olive branch, victory sign
United States – Uncle Sam, flag, stars and stripes, shield, Columbia Democrats – donkey Republicans – elephant Death – vulture, skeleton with shroud, skull and crossbones, grim reaper Love – heart, Cupid, Venus Money – dollar bill or dollar sign

6 Irony – the difference between the way things are and the way they should be


8 Exaggeration - overstating or magnifying a problem

9 What’s exaggerated?

10 Labeling is used to make it clear exactly what they stand for
Symbol & label Symbols can be labeled, however, just because something is labeled does not make it a symbol. Label Symbol & Label Label

11 Sarcasm – remarks or pictures that intend to hurt

12 How is sarcasm used?

13 Comics vs. Political Cartoons
Reflects on culture, society, and normal oddities of everyday life Uses politics and reflects the current affairs or climate of government


15 Whose Who? Republicans Democrats

16 The Republican Party is also known as the GOP and stands for “Grand Ole Party.” It was founded by the anti-slavery Things to point out: Caption (Dessert, American Style) Talk bubble Questions to ask: What is the symbolism? What is the irony ? What is the exaggeration? What is are the labels? What is the overall message, or main idea? What is the propaganda?

17 Historical Political Cartoons

18 Historical Political Cartoons

19 Why do you think this cartoon caused controversy?

20 What does this say about what is currently going on in the United States government?

21 PRACTICE: Using your handout analyze the cartoons.





26 Extended Learning Find 3 political cartoons that reflect the current atmosphere of Congress. Complete an analysis for each cartoon using your classroom handout. Political cartoons must be included with each analysis.

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