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Discipline with Dignity responsibility versus obedience

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1 Discipline with Dignity responsibility versus obedience
St. Laurence Catholic School

2 Obedience versus Responsibility
In the obedience model, students follow rules without question because they are told to do so. In the long run this leads to: Immaturity Lack of responsibility Inability to think clearly and critically Feeling of helplessness that leads to withdrawal, aggressiveness or power struggles Main form of intervention is punishment In the responsibility model, children feel affirmed even though they do not always get their way. They understand that they have control of events that happen to them and learn to take responsibility of their choices. The main form of intervention is a consequence.

3 Core beliefs for effective discipline:
Dealing with student behavior is part of the job. Always treat students with dignity. Discipline works best when integrated with effective teaching practices. Adults see it as their professional responsibility to make positive, consistent connections with students. Acting out is sometimes an act of sanity. Fair is NOT always equal.

4 Values and rules Values define why we do it this way and rules define what to do and how to do it. Our values matrix or Good Choice Pledge is “We are respectful, responsible and safe.”


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