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Bullying By: Olivia Santiago.

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1 Bullying By: Olivia Santiago

2 Introduction Bullying is a huge problem. It can be stopped, but not many people try to stop it. There are different types of bullying. Cyber bullying Physical Verbal Indirect Social alienation Intimidation

3 BULLYING HAS TO STOP!! See? Bullying is an example of school conflicts. It is a huge problem. It could affect someone’s grades, cause them to not come to school, and even lead them to committing suicide. BULLYING HAS TO STOP!! It’s not good for someone to have suicidal thoughts, think they are worthless, and that no one likes them or cares about them. That is never the case.

4 Stars were bullied too! Stars were (and still are being) bullied. Look at these stars. They have decent lives, and they didn’t let bullying get in the way of their successful lives.

5 Example: Physical, Cyber, and emotional bullying
Amanda Todd was bullied physically, emotionally, and cyber bullied. She made mistakes, and was bullied for them. The bullying was so bad that on October 10, 2012, she committed suicide. People are so rude and mean that after her death, people on Facebook proceeded to say mean things to her in the comments of pictures that said RIP Amanda Todd. These people said things like “It’s better now that she’s gone,” or “She deserved it.”

6 Example: Physical and Emotional bullying
15-year-old Bart Palosz killed himself with a shotgun after the first day of his sophomore year at Greenwich High School. Those who knew him said he endured years of being bullied by peers, including an incident where his head was bashed against a locker, and that the administration did nothing to stop it.

7 Example: Cyber bullying
Rebecca Ann Sedwick was a 12 year old girl who was cyber bullied. She lived in Florida and was bullied by over a dozen girls. She had committed suicide because of these girls. Sedwick was frequently bullied with messages including "Go kill yourself," and "Why are you still alive?“ She had listened to them, and jumped to her death on Monday, September 9, 2013.

8 Solutions to all examples
Some solutions to all of these examples could have been to talk to someone they trusted. They could have gone to their parents, close friends, teachers, a guidance counselor, or a therapist.

9 Citations

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