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Maths Workshop - Neptune

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1 Maths Workshop - Neptune
A Guide to helping your child with Maths

2 Aims * Mental Calculation strategies * Written Calculation strategies
* Overview of the Year 2 National Curriculum for Maths * Mental Calculation strategies * Written Calculation strategies * Mastery in Maths * SATs - Reasoning & Arithmetic * How you can help at home

3 Aims of The Year 2 mAths National Curriculum
• Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics, including through varied and frequent practice with increasingly complex problems over time, so that pupils develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. • Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry, conjecturing relationships and generalisations and developing an argument, justification or proof using mathematical language. • Solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including breaking down problems into a series of simpler steps and persevering in seeking solutions.

4 Overview of The Year 2 mAths National Curriculum
*Focus education grid

5 Sibertswold Calculation policy
Mental Strategies Written Calculations Children are encouraged to make links between the facts they know to help them solve calculations. e.g. = They are also expected to be able to explain how they solved a calculation. This helps them process the operation (+, -, X, ÷) and understand how they solved it. Children carry on using informal written methods to solve calculations. We then use number lines to show the children visually what they are doing. Towards the end of Year 2, we move the children on to recording calculations in columns. 13 + 34 ____

6 Assessment In the end of key stage statutory assessments (KS1 SATs) this year the children will be judged to have met (or not) the end of key stage expectations. • 2 Maths papers •Paper 1 – Arithmetic (15 mins) •Paper 2 – Fluency, Problem Solving & Reasoning (35 mins) •Teacher assessed •The children will be teacher assessed on whether they are secure in their year group age related expectations.

7 Arithmetic – KS1 Sats

8 Reasoning – KS1 Sats

9 How you can help at home Websites: Apps: Maths sumo Eggs on legs Squeebles Number run Make sure your child knows their times tables and can answer out of order. They must be secure with their number bonds to 10, 20 and 100. Count on and back in ones & tens from any number (3, 13, 23, ) Use a variety of mathematical language – all the different ways a calculation can be worded. Relate addition to subtraction and multiplication to division. Make their learning relevant – get them to work out practical problems. Eg: we have 3 people for dinner and 12 slices of pizza – how many will each person get? Reasoning skills: ask them to explain how they solved a problem.

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