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Welcome guests dar la bienvenida a

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome guests dar la bienvenida a"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome guests dar la bienvenida a
English Inglés Welcome guests dar la bienvenida a

2 Construction of Short Answer Questions
Put your bubbles into paragraphs Add the details Check the details Did you add proof?

3 30 SECOND WRITE: Look at your Divergent Book. Demonstrate each of these retelling skills.

4 Writing

5 Writing Strategy Steps Outline
Paper Brainstorm Categories Bubble it Out Ideas(Paragraphs) Add Details (Sentences)

6 Pre-Writing Strategies
Brainstorm words to fit your main idea.

7 Brainstorm Who What Where When Why How Senses Feelings

8 Review: Pre-Writing Strategies
transition Bubble it out 1. Idea Idea transition transition 3. Idea Idea transition transition

9 Think about the beginning and end, first
Think about the beginning and end, first. Remember, you can always change your focus during the process. No new information

10 Writing Strategy Steps Outline
Paragraph *Ideas Develop each bubble so that the details fit together and make sense. (Brainstorm additional information, add details, arrange ideas so that the ideas flow well.)


12 Writing Strategy Steps Outline
Sentences (Details) Develop the ideas into sentences. (Brainstorm additional information, add details, arrange ideas so that the ideas flow well.)


14 Self and Peer Edit Read it out loud to yourself and a peer. Check Pre-Writing (Brainstorm and Bubble out your story.) Scan for paragraphs (structure) Check: Spelling How do I know if it is spelled correctly? Capitals What needs to be capitalized? Are the capitals where they need to be? Are there capitals in the middle of the sentence? Do they need to be there? Grammar Tense-Subject Verb Agreement – present, past, future; Do the subjects and verbs agree? Am I using the correct form of the verb? Word Choice Transitions- Do you have transition? Is there a smooth flow between the paragraphs? Proof: Read it from the bottom up. Do the sentences, alone, sound strong? Make the changes you agree with.

15 Teacher Edit Check Pre-Writing (Brainstorm and Bubble out your story.)
Scan for paragraphs (structure) Check: Spelling Capitals Grammar Tense Word Choice Transitions Proof

16 Writing Create a bingo game using your vocabulary words, Divergent vocabulary, root words and others.

17 Station Work Short Answer Construction

18 Short Answer Construction
Put your bubbles into paragraphs Add the details Check the details Did you add proof?

19 Comprehension bubble out the Quote:
“Moths," repeats Will. "You're afraid of moths?" "Not just a cloud of moths," she says, "like...a swarm of them. Everywhere. All those wings and legs and..." She shudders and shakes her head. "Terrifying," Will says with mock seriousness. "That's my girl. Tough as cotton balls." "Oh, Shut up.” ― Veronica Roth, Divergent

20 ― Veronica Roth, Divergent
Moths," repeats Will. "You're afraid of moths?" "Not just a cloud of moths," she says, "like...a swarm of them. Everywhere. All those wings and legs and..." She shudders and shakes her head. "Terrifying," Will says with mock seriousness. "That's my girl. Tough as cotton balls." "Oh, Shut up.” ― Veronica Roth, Divergent Moths, afraid “Moths” swarms, wings, legs, shudders, shakes head Mock seriousness Terrifying, That’s my girl. Tough as cotton balls. Oh, Shut up.

21 Station Work Punctuation & Grammar Rules
: , ? ; ! “ “ .


23 Review (Rule 1) To avoid confusion, use commas to separate words and word groups with a series of three or more. Example: The $10 million estate is to be split among my husband, daughter, son, and nephew. Omitting the comma after son would indicate that the son and nephew would have to split one-third of the estate. (Rule 2) Use a comma to separate two adjectives when the word and can be inserted between them. Examples: He is a strong, healthy man. We stayed at an expensive summer resort. You would not say expensive and summer resort, so no comma.

24 Station Work Everyday Edit

25 september errors

26 September 11

27 Baned Book Week 20+ errors
the last week of september Is Baned Books week. the word banned mean "not alowed." the weeek was stated in 1982 by judith krug. she wanted people to no about books that have been baned by libarys and scools many fanus books such at Hairy Poter have been baned

28 The last week of September is Banned Books Week.
The word banned means “not allowed.” The week was started in 1982 by Judith Krug. She wanted people to know about books that have been banned by libraries and schools. Many famous books such as Harry Potter have been banned.

29 Station Work Analogy and Limerick

30 A B Analogy Wheel is to ________________ as Tire is to car
Land is to dirt as Ocean is to ______________. Limerick: A B

31 Station Work Business Letter

32 Business Letter


34 Now You Try It Aspiring Q. Writer


36 Newspaper Newspaper Due: Read and summarize Tuesday 25 pts
Wednesday pts Thursday 25 pts Friday 25 pts

37 Newspaper Article Format
A typical newspaper article contains five (5) parts: Headline: This is a short, attention-getting statement about the event. Byline: This tells who wrote the story. Lead paragraph: This has ALL of the who, what, when, where, why and how in it. A writer must find the answers to these questions and write them into the opening sentence(s) of the article. Explanation: After the lead paragraph has been written, the writer must decide what other facts or details the reader might want to know. The writer must make sure that he/she has enough information to answer any important questions a reader might have after reading the headline and the lead paragraph. This section can also include direct quotes from witnesses or bystanders. Additional Information: This information is the least important Thus, if the news article is too long for the space it needs to fill, it can be shortened without rewriting any other part. This part can include information about a similar event.

38 30 SECOND WRITE: Look at your Divergent Book. Demonstrate each of these retelling skills.

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