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Published byAna Guzmán Olivares Modified over 6 years ago
La especialización inteligente: desarrollo territorial sostenible
basado en la innovación Fernando Hervás JRC B.3 Desarrollo Territorial EU-CELAC JIRI, Reunión SOM EL Salvador, 2 Octubre 2017
EU policy context: Empower Member States and regions to face globalisation challenges
Europe is experiencing a period of profound changes brought by globalisation, new emerging and digital technologies, automation and decarbonisation. The benefits of globalisation are unequally spread. It is indispensible to help Europeans adapt to these profound changes and to help the EU economy to become more resilient. Reflection Paper on Harnessing Globalisation (May 2017) To respond, the EU needs to: activate the innovation potential of MS and regions adapt its industry to new models boost competitiveness and access to new markets reduce the gap among regions create new jobs
Smart Specialisation: A new driver for innovation- led sustainable territorial development
The European Commissio proposes to take the Smart Specialisation approach one step further and use it to tackle the main challenge of boosting the innovation and competitiveness potential of European regions, as a basis for a sustainable growth model "Strengthening Inovation in Europe's Regions: Strategies for resilient, inclusive and sustainable growth" (EC, July 2017) Link to implementation of Sustainable Development Goals: SDG 9 Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure Sustainable industrialisation Rational use of natural ressources Support to research and innovation Industrial diversification and added-value ….
What is Smart Specialisation?
S3 the policy concept Promote inclusive and sustainable growth Place-based policy: Valorise existing assets and local specificities Mobilize local economic players as the main actors of economic change Based on selection of economic activities with high transformative potential for the economy RIS3 the strategy National or regional agenda for economic transformation Coordinate financial and entrepreneurial resources to support the selected economic activities Define governance and monitoring mechanisms
Design principles for RIS3
ANALYSIS: discovery of the socio-economic and innovation engines of regional growth, competitive advantages & weaknesses MAKE CHOICES: identify a limited set of priorities for development where to concentrate investment STAKEHOLDERS' INVOLVEMENT: setting priorities should be an inclusive and interactive process centred on entrepreneurial discovery BROAD VIEW OF INNOVATION: support technological as well as practice-based and social innovation MONITORING AND EVALUATION: feeding back information into the policy cycle and allowing strategy revision RIS3 Guide of the European Commission With contributions of D. Foray, P. McCann, J. Goddard, K. Morgan, C. Nauwelaers Available on the S3 Platform webpage
Smart Specialisarion in Europe: EU Cohesion Policy
REGULATION (EU) 1303/2013 Applies to the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) Ex-ante conditionality "… A national or regional smart specialisation strategy is in place that: is based on a SWOT or similar analysis to concentrate resources on a limited set of research and innovation priorities outlines measures to stimulate private RTD investment contains a monitoring mechanism …"
Smart Specialisation Platform
Created in 2011 to provide science-based advice to EU national and regional policy-makers for the establishment and implementation of their Research & Innovation Strategies for Smart Specialisation (RIS3), Making better use of the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) and thus contribute to the Europe goals of a smarter, greener and more inclusive european economy. Promote Transnational learning, Interregional collaboration & partnerships via: Supporting tools: Regional priorities Regional Benchmarking, ICT Monitoring, Digital Innovation Hubs… Guidance: RIS3 Guide, Implementation Handbook, Digital Agenda Toolbox, Good Practice Examples, FAQs… Analysis: Conceptual and empirical developments, Policy Briefs, Peer Reviews, Working Papers…
Some Achievements Wide membership: 180 regions (incl. 10 Non EU) countries (incl. 3 Non EU) Strong endorsement by national / regional policy-makers: average 4.5/5 satisfaction rankings Implementation: 40% of ERDF spending on Smart Specialisation categories - 36 billions € (Jan. 2017) Technology transfer, SME business development, Public R&D and Infrastructure Thematic concentration through partnerships: Agri-food, Energy, Industrial Modernisation, Digital growth ► Thematic Platforms
Centrality of the Entrepreneurial Discovery Proces
Priority-Identification Process: Entrepreneurial actors in abroad sense: all actors potentially holding some type of entrepreneurial knowledge, from businesses to research institutions and the public administration Interactive process where different actors can meet: become aware of potential for synergies and complementarities, or explore experimental ideas Shielded environment where actors can disclose information: both virtual and physical space Non-hierarchical process: stakeholders in this process stand on the same foot as the administration From the S3 Platform experience Public authority will prioritize those activities that: Have critical mass of entrepreneurial resources and capabilities Show stakeholders / entrepreneurs’ commitment Are suitable to realize the strategic goals/meet the needs and challenges of the local economy and society
RIS3 Progress and Challenges
Most Regions and Countries have started the implementation phase of RIS3: RIS3 are generally stronger at analysis and weaker at monitoring & evaluation S3 principles are sometimes not fully taken on board in the prioritisation process Sometimes involvement of stakeholders limited in depth and scope and not continuous/on-going …Our challenges ahead: Preserve the bottom-up component of strategy development Develop models and share experience on how to operationalize the entrepreneurial discovery process in different contexts "Give voice to the voiceless", avoid capture by closed clubs of incumbent stakeholders Progress from a triple to a quadruple-helix governance
STUDY Innovation and regional specialisation in Latin America
Background Gives continuity to previous work of European Commission, DG REGIO, DG RTD Key outcomes can contribute to trigger cooperation on regional innovation and Specialisation between EU & Latam Methodology: desk research, SWOT analysis and validation through surveys and interviews Focus in Chile, Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, Peru and Argentina. source
Key findings… Several regions of Latin America are conducting pilot activities aiming at testing the adaptation of the smart specialisation approach. Other regions count on a motivated political and institutional support to deploy structured specialisation including allocation of resources, elaboration of strategic planning and integration of inclusiveness in the selection of priorities. Collaborative frameworks between the European Union and Latin America have increased in the issue of smart specialisation allowing stakeholders of both continents to speak a similar regional-innovation language. Business opportunities for regional economies are directly linked to the smart specialisation approach and similar related initiatives.
S3 in Latinoamerica
S3 in Latinoamerica
S3 in Latinoamerica
S3 in Latinoamerica
Chile, strenghtening Private-Public relationships through R&I contracts
Related private-public call for projects: "capital humano para la innovación Objective: Stimulating R&I in SMEs while contributing to employment creation CORFO: Corporación de Fomento de la Producción
Mexico, Agendas Estatales y Regionales de Innovación
Conceived as policy instrument inspired in S3 in EU. Gives relevance to cooperation between federal states CONACYT: Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología
Colombia, Especialización Regional Inteligente
Call for project proposals, Especialización Regional Inteligente Colciencias-MinTIC objective: to strength ICT industry through associative initiatives in 7 Colombian Regions. 2M€ about COLCIENCIAS: Departamento Administrativo de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación.
Colombia, Bogotá-region cluster initiatives
Sustainable City Region RIS3 makes itself concrete through cluster initiative agendas and through a portfolio of science, technology and innovation projects that should catalyze our clusters. CC Bogotá: Chamber of Commerce, Bogotá.
Basque country (ES) - Colombian energy clusters
3 Colombian energy clusters (Medellín, Bogotá and Sur Occidente), 3 companies (EPM, Proeléctrico, Sodinlec and Automatización Avanzada) and 1 representative of PROCOLOMBIA. Workshop engaging representatives of SPRI, the Basque Economic Development Agency, PROCOLOMBIA, the 3 Colombian clusters and the Basque Energy Cluster. Matchmaking session with 11 European companies. Visits to 3 leading companies in the Smart grids and Wind energy sectors 1/18 1/18 22
Smart specialisation in EU and Chile
Transcontinental policy learning dialogue methodology Friendly but constructive and critic talk To approach regional stakeholders of EU and non-EU countries source
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