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Building a Permanent Progressive Majority

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Presentation on theme: "Building a Permanent Progressive Majority"— Presentation transcript:

1 Building a Permanent Progressive Majority
Combined Fundraising, Messaging and Mobilization Plan for 2008 and Beyond

2 2008 Campaign Structure National & Independent 501c3 Groups Candidates
Candidate Advertising Travel Staff Candidates Party Advertising Party Voter Files Base Voter Contact Opposition Research Technology National & State Party Issue Advertising Contact with Established Networks and Unique Audiences Credible Messengers Issue Advocacy Issue Opposition Research Independent 501c4 & 527 Groups Issue Education Registration Election Protection Independent 501c3 Groups

3 Building a Permanent Progressive Majority
Strategic Goals Create the conditions for a tidal wave against the right wing. Keep the President’s numbers down and brand all conservative candidates as “Bush Republicans.” Ensure that demographics is destiny. Control the political discourse. Set the stage for future progressive actions. Leave something behind.

4 The Independent Effort
Drive the Dialogue Mobilize Voters

5 Progressive Targeted States

6 Structure Fund for America Messaging Mobilization A new 527
Joint Fundraising Resource allocation Accountability for funds Messaging An existing (c)(4) “Nerve Center” Joint polling Surrogate ad campaigns Media accountability Mobilization America Votes Joint voter file State Tables OtherCivic Engagement Organizations

7 Goals of the Mobilization Efforts
Expand support among core progressives, including women, African Americans, and union households 2. Solidify groups that are trending progressive, including young voters, Latinos, and independents 3. Expand the battleground map to include states such as Colorado and Virginia 4. Build on progressive assets and increase campaign innovation and experimentation 5. Deliver coordinated progressive messages to state voters and more narrowly targeted messages to important constituencies

8 DFA MoveOn ACORN LCV EMILY’s List Brady Campaign Young Democrats Young
People for INDN’s List HRC Sierra Club Working America USAction SEIU Americans United for Change LULAC PPFA NAACP Voter Fund NEA AAJ ARA Clean Water Action NARAL Progressive Majority NDN AFSCME WVWV Women’s Rights Civil Rights Labor Young Voters Community Environment AFL-CIO Defenders of Wildlife NJDC Change to Win 21st Century Democrats Progress Now Action

9 State Table EMILY’s List ACORN Clean Water Action LCV NARAL PPFA HRC
INDN’s List LULAC Sierra Club Defenders of Wildlife WVWV NJDC NAACP Voter Fund USAction MoveOn State Table Americans United for Change SEIU Working America NDN DFA Progressive Majority Change to Win AFSCME NEA Young Democrats Young People for Brady Campaign Progress Now Action AFL-CIO ARA AAJ 21st Century Democrats






15 Messaging: Key Strategy
Define their candidates around issues and character in order to deny them the mantle of change.

16 Messaging Effort—Media Meshing

17 Fill the Entire Message Box
What we say about them What they say about themselves What we say about ourselves What they say about us

18 Messaging Effort Elements

19 Messaging Effort Calendar
Now-February: Research and creative Development. February-August: Offensive messaging to drive conservative candidates into their base and set their branding first. Final Sprint: Keep conservative candidates on defense. Election Day: Win from the state house to the White House in order to build a permanent progressive majority.

20 Running Against George W. Bush

21 Building a Permanent Progressive Majority

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