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installing electrical system

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Presentation on theme: "installing electrical system"— Presentation transcript:

1 installing electrical system

2 wear safety glasses

3 install terminal block

4 install switch toggle switch

5 cut and strip motor leads
leave them as long as you possibly can; strip off about 1/8 inch

6 install standoffs 1-inch standoffs 1/2-inch standoffs

7 run wiring terminal block takes power from battery and delivers it to the motor controller and to the Board of Education (BASIC Stamp). battery connector positive from battery goes through toggle switch, allowing us to turn off motor powering wheels motor control board barrel jack delivers power to Board of Education: center goes to positive, outside goes to negative

8 wiring with battery and Board of Education
BASIC Stamp 2 Board of Education

9 wiring with battery and Board of Education
BASIC Stamp 2 Board of Education

10 car with Board of Education mounted
1/2-inch through-hole standoffs

11 car with servo wires plugged in
wire controlling back wheel motor wire controlling steering servo

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