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Cryfhau Sgiliau er mwyn Llwyddo Strengthening Skills for Success

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Presentation on theme: "Cryfhau Sgiliau er mwyn Llwyddo Strengthening Skills for Success"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cryfhau Sgiliau er mwyn Llwyddo Strengthening Skills for Success
Gweithdy 9 Workshop 9 Beth yw’r Pasbort Dysgu Proffesiynol (PDP)? What is the Professional Learning Passport (PLP)? Liz Brimble, Education Workforce Council Cryfhau Sgiliau er mwyn Llwyddo Strengthening Skills for Success

2 Pasbort Dysgu Proffesiynol (PDP) Professional Learning Passport (PLP)
Elizabeth Brimble Dirprwy Brif Weithredwr Deputy Chief Executive

3 Trosolwg sesiwn Session overview
Cefndir – pwrpas y PDP? Ymgysylltu ymarferwyr a rhanddeiliaid Cyflwyno’r PDP a’i ddyfodol Arddangosiad Background – purpose of the PLP? Practitioner and stakeholder engagement Roll out of the PLP and its future Demonstration

4 Cefndir a chychwyniad y PDP? Background and origin of the PLP?
Cyhoeddiad y Fargen Newydd – Mawrth 2015 PDP cychwynnol – Medi 2015 PDP datblygedig – Medi 2016 Ymgysylltu Caffaeliad PebblePad New Deal announcement - March 2015 Initial PLP – September 2015 Enhanced PLP – September 2016 Engagement Procurement PebblePad

5 Beth yw’r PDP? What is the PLP?
Pwrpas ac egwyddorion Platfform cenedlaethol wedi ei safoni ar gael i bob ymarferydd cofrestredig Rhoi’r offer i ymarferwyr i’w cefnogi i: gymryd perchnogaeth am eu dysgu proffesiynol gynllunio, cofnodi a myfyrio ar ddysgu proffesiynol Nid yw’n ychwanegu at lwyth gwaith ymarferwyr Perchnogaeth Yn ddewisol Perthyn i’r unigolyn Yn ddiogel a chyfrinachol Galluog’r unigolyn i rannu Purpose and principles Standard, national platform for all practitioners Provide practitioners with the tools to assist: to take ownership for own professional learning to plan, record, reflect on professional learning Does not add to workload Ownership Optional Belong to the individual Secure and confidential Allow sharing

6 Ymgynghori ag ymarferwyr a rhanddeiliaid Practitioner and stakeholder engagement
Intuitive Leading edge functionality Incorporate processes / forms that practitioners routinely use Have links to other systems e.g. Register, Learning Wales, access to research, national and regional training opportunities Use PLP to share professional learning (good practice) Future development Want guidance about what career milestones (progression) and professional learning they need to do to reach each milestone Want links to professional learning opportunities Want links to jobs Yn sythweledol Arweinyddiaeth arloesol Ymgorffori prosesau / ffurflenni a ddefnyddir yn aml gan ymarferwyr Cysylltiadau â systemau eraill ee Hwb, y Gofrestr, Dysgu Cymru, mynediad i ymchwil, cyfleoedd dysgu proffesiynol rhanbarthol a chenedlaethol Defnyddio’r PDP i rannu dysgu proffesiynol (arfer da) Datblygiadau ar gyfer y dyfodol Eisiau cyfarwyddyd ar dargedau cerrig milltir (cynnydd) a’r dysgu proffesiynol sydd angen ei wneud i gyrraedd pob targed Eisiau cysylltiadau â chyfleoedd ddysgu proffesiynol a chyfleoedd addysg Eisiau â chyfleoedd gwaith/swyddi

7 Cyflwyno’r PDP a’r dyfodol Roll out of the PLP and the future
Gwahodd pob cofrestrai i annog defnydd o’r PDP Cynnig arddangosiadauau a chefnogaeth ar sut i ddefnyddio’r PDP yn effeithlon i ddarparwyr Strategaeth i annog/hybu defnydd (gan nad yw’n orfodol) Cydweithio â grwpiau cofrestru newydd i sicrhau bod y PDP yn cwrdd â’u hanghenion Datblygu templedi safonol Mynediad i wybodaeth ddefnyddiol ac adnoddau penodol ar gyfer pob grŵp cofrestru Gwella ymarferoldeb a nodweddion yn seiliedig ar adborth Invitation to all registrants to encourage usage Offer of demonstrations and support on how to effectively use the PLP to providers Strategy to encourage usage (given not mandatory) Work with new registrant groups to ensure PLP meets their needs Develop standard templates Access to useful information and resources specific to each registrant group Improve functionality based on feedback

8 Gwybodaeth ddefnyddiol Useful information
Gwefan: I gael gwybodaeth am y PDP ewch i adran Datblygiad Proffesiynol Twitter: #PDP Ffôn: E-bost: Website: For information about the PLP visit the Professional Development section Twitter: #PLP Telephone:

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