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Short-Term Causes of WWI

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Presentation on theme: "Short-Term Causes of WWI"— Presentation transcript:

1 Short-Term Causes of WWI
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2 The 1st Moroccan Crisis of 1905
French Cartoon-Stock Photo 1905

3 Maps of area

4 A worried Germany New British-French relationship (Entente Cordiale)
Germany sought to cause friction between the two Henry Campbell-Bannerman Emile Loubet Kaiser Wilhelm II

5 British-French Entente
Provisions allowed for mutual recognition of colonies Britain supported a French takeover of Morocco->one of the last independent African states France recognized British control of Egypt

6 Germany On the offensive
Promised to defend Moroccan independence Demanded an international conference Threatened war; France eventually accepted

7 Conference: Algeciras, Spain 1906
France finally agreed to meet The British backed the French The Germans had little support and were defeated

8 Cartoon Analysis Analyze the cartoon on the slide
In-Class discussion Analyze the cartoon on the slide What was Germany’s initial opinion of the Entente Cordiale, according to the cartoonist? How did this opinion change after 1906?

9 Results of the 1st Moroccan crisis
Germany gained no notable concessions in north Africa Entente Cordiale- strengthened Germany now seen as the key threat to British interests

10 The Bosnian crisis of 1908 & Background


12 1st Moroccan crisis fallout
1907 – Britain and Russia sign Anglo-Russian entente Germany forges closer relationship with Austria-Hungary Would have an impact in Bosnian Crisis

13 Declining Ottoman Empire
Young Turks Revolution The "eastern question" Austria-Hungary annexes Bosnia and Herzegovina

14 Bosnia-Herzegovina annexation
Occupied by Austria-Hungary since 1878 Still formally Turkish Caused outrage in Serbia who wanted to absorb


16 Bosnia-Herzegovina annexation
Secret approval by Russia with contingency… Russia demanded support for their own treaty revisions in Bosporus and Dardanelles region Austria-Hungary annexed before Russia could gain international support

17 Austria-Hungary & Russia: Strained Relations
Russia did not want to give Austria control over fellow Slavs Germany promises Austrian support Russia had little support from Britain & France

18 Austria-Hungary & Russia: Strained Relations
Russia weakened by war with Japan; had no other recourse Russia agreed to recognize annexation

19 Results of the Bosnian crisis
Russia suffers international humiliation & begins to rearm Serbia is enraged – increasing nationalism The German-Austrian alliance appeared stronger Ends era of cooperation in the Balkans between Russia and Austria-Hungary Germany encourages Austro-Hungarian expansion

20 The Second Moroccan (Agadir) crisis -1911


22 The second Moroccan (Agadir) crisis – 1911
Rebellion in Fez (capital) French troops called in German accusation of a hostile French takeover Sends a gunboat (the Panther) to Agadir SMS Panther-

23 Agadir A small port on Morocco's Atlantic coast
Germany sought compensation for France's action Germany demanded the French Congo!

24 "Gunboat diplomacy" Coined by the British – implying the threat of war
Britain worried about an Agadir acquisition – a threat to their naval base

25 The "mansion house speech"
Britain's chancellor of the exchequer David Lloyd George Warning to Germany Britain would not stand by while "her interests were affected" Turned the Franco-German crisis into an Anglo-German issue

26 Results of the Agadir Crisis
Germany obtained two strips of French Congo territory Hostile German public opinion to the settlement Strengthened Anglo-French entente Increased Anglo-German tension & suspicion

27 The first Balkan war – 1912

28 The Balkan alliance Formed by Serbia, Bulgaria, Greece, and Montenegro
Encouraged by Russia (no military support) Key objective: Force Turkey from the Balkans How: Take and divide Macedonia

29 First Balkan war – 1912 Weakened Turkey Young Turk Rev. (1908)
War w/ Italy ( ) Almost totally driven from Balkans in seven weeks Austria horrified by a strengthened Serbia

30 First Balkan war – 1912 Austro-Hungarian generals call for war
Danger: Russia would support Serbia causing wider European war British foreign secretary Sir Edward Grey calls London Peace Conference

31 Results of Conference Former Turkish lands divided up between Baltic states Austria-Hungary gets conference to contain Serbia by creating Albania Strategically land-locks Serbia

32 The Second Balkan war – 1913

33 Second Balkan war – 1913 Born of disagreements from first Balkan war (Bulgaria dissatisfied) Bulgaria – vs – Serbia and Greece over Serbian occupation Bulgarians- too many of their people living in areas annexed to Serbia and Greece Namely: Macedonia and Salonika

34 Second Balkan war – 1913 Austro-Hungarian foreign minister: Count Leopold Berchtold Asked for German assistance Feared Russian aid of Serbia German gov’t urges restraint

35 Second Balkan war – 1913 Serbia/Greece/Turkey defeat Bulgaria

36 Second Balkan war – results
Serbia/Greece/Turkey defeat Bulgaria Treaty of Bucharest (Aug ) Bulgaria loses most territory from first war

37 Second Balkan war – Consequences
Serbia again successful and doubles in size An increase of nationalist feeling in Serbia and among Slavs Serbia demonstrates its military strength – 200,000 man army

38 Second Balkan war – Consequences
Austria-Hungary now convinced it must crush Serbia Diplomatic defeat for Germany Strengthened German ties with Austria-Hungary

39 Other developments, 1900-1913 Nationalism more aggressive
Misguided domestic views of the war War = short and heroic Nationalism more aggressive Exacerbated by popular press

40 Other developments, 1900-1913 General arms race (after 1871)
Increased military spending Standing armies Conscription Armament build-up No agreed upon limits

41 War Plans Other Plans: Plan 17 (France) Plans R & B (AH)
Schlieffen Plan Other Plans: Plan 17 (France) Plans R & B (AH) Addressed the two-front war w/France and Russia France first: invade through Belgium, Holland, and Luxembourgcapture Paris Meet Eastern Front Moltke: Reduced neutral territory invaded Inflexible w/several inaccuracies

42 Questions Explain the position/feelings of each of the following states following the Second Balkan War: Austria-Hungary Serbia Bulgaria Turkey For what reasons had the Balkan Wars of 1912/1913 not escalated into a general European War?

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