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The Great European Witch Hunt AND Salem Witch Trials

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Presentation on theme: "The Great European Witch Hunt AND Salem Witch Trials"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Great European Witch Hunt AND Salem Witch Trials

2 European Witch Hunts 14th-17th centuries
Witches did not use magical powers to get what they wanted. Instead, witches were used by the Devil to do what he wanted. Pact with the devil

3 How many people affected?
Between the 1500’s-1600’s: Between 100, ,000 people were ‘officially’ tried for witchcraft and between 40,000 and 60,000 were executed. Between % of those tried and executed were female…. Why?

4 Who conducted witch hunts?
Superstitious villagers Mob mentality Mass hysteria Spread of paranoia Change of attitudes

5 Concrete Evidence Authorities needed proof “Malleus Maleficarum”
Definition ‘devils mark’/’devils teats’ Inspect bodies

6 Torture “Swimming a Witch” Strappado Justified
Torture was justified in law King head of Church Witch rejected Church/King Witch guilty of treason Death

7 Puritans Sent by King Charles I of England Society based on Bible
Created perfect society Always cautious of Satan Believed in witches Engaged in witch hunts

8 Salem, Massachusetts In 1692 500 people 6 miles from coast
What did they fear?

9 Setting the stage for the witch hunts of 1692
Religious practices Expectations of women Small town

10 The Girls that started it all. . .
Elizabeth Parris Abigail Williams Ann Putnam Jr. Mary Walcott Elizabeth Hubbard Elizabeth Booth Mercy Lewis Mary Warren…………………….and Tituba


12 The Identification of Witches
Tituba Sarah Good Sarah Osborne

13 Pre-trial Guilty or not?!?! Evidence enough to go to trial for
witchcraft? *SPECTRAL EVIDENCE!!

14 Unexpected results from Tituba

15 Split in Salem Arrest of Rebecca Nurse Petition More than 100 arrested
Number of accused Something had to be done in Salem

16 Hangings Begin

17 Terror Continues

18 Attitudes change DOUBT? DID THE GIRLS GO ‘TOO FAR’?


20 Questions remain…??? Why did the girls claim that witches afflicted them? Were they acting or did they genuinely believe what they were saying? Is there a scientific explanation to this? Now innocent until proven guilty.

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