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Warm Up Copy these literary terms into you notes then use page 1123 to define them: Plot Rising Action Falling Action Climax Resolution Dramatic Exposition.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm Up Copy these literary terms into you notes then use page 1123 to define them: Plot Rising Action Falling Action Climax Resolution Dramatic Exposition."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm Up Copy these literary terms into you notes then use page 1123 to define them: Plot Rising Action Falling Action Climax Resolution Dramatic Exposition


3 The Crucible The Crucible By Arthur Miller... When History and Literature Collide


5 The Crucible is... Puritanism + Witchcraft + McCarthyism + Arthur Miller

6 The Crucible MEANS: A severe test or trial Setting: Salem, Massachusetts ~ 1692

7 Puritanism Christian faith -1600s Puritans - predestination Split (Church of England) 1633 Emigrated - American colonies Flourished

8 Witchcraft in Salem Salem Village believed in witches Witchcraft = “compact with the devil for … powers to do evil.” Witchcraft = sin and a crime; serious accusation

9 Witchcraft in Salem Witchcraft hysteria - Salem, Massachusetts,1692. Abigail Williams - fits of convulsion, screaming, and hallucination. A doctor determined it was witchcraft.

10 Witchcraft in Salem Book detailed the symptoms of witchcraft; the girls’ fits were similar Puritans believed the doctor’s diagnosis.

11 Witchcraft in Salem The girls (Sarah Good and Sarah Osborn) blamed Tituba (the Parris’ slave)

12 Witchcraft in Salem Eight months 150+ people were imprisoned 27 people had been convicted, 19 hanged, and 1 pressed to death. The hysteria reveals belief of supernatural

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14 McCarthyism Period of intense suspicion in the United States – 1950s Senator Joseph McCarthy, claimed that communists had infiltrated the Department of State. A special House Committee on Un-American Activities was formed “Witch hunts” often based on inconclusive, questionable evidence

15 McCarthyism Accused communists were often denied employment Film industry: 300 + actors, writers, and directors denied work Arthur Miller, was “blacklisted.”

16 McCarthyism McCarthy’s influence ended - 1954 CBS newsman, Edward R. Murrow, report revealed McCarthy as dishonest The public aware of how McCarthy made false accusations of communism. Edward R. Murrow

17 Arthur Miller 1915-2005 American Playwright and Writer In 1953 he wrote The Crucible, which uses the Salem witchcraft trials of 1692 to attack the anti- communist “witch hunts” of the 1950s.

18 Arthur Miller Witch craft trials in Puritan New England paralleled the climate of McCarthyism After the publication of the The Crucible, Miller was investigated for being a communist Found guilty of contempt of court. Later overturned.

19 Themes Jealousy or envy Guilt or fear of discovery Hysteria or loss of emotional control Lying or misrepresenting the truth Cowardice or lack of principles Intimidation of those who are weaker Greed

20 John Proctor Protagonist Husband to Elizabeth Affair with Abigail Knows that the girls are pretending

21 Abigail Williams Antagonist Orphaned niece of Reverend Parris Former mistress of John Very powerful influence Obsessed with John. Leader of the girls.

22 Other Important Characters: Elizabeth Proctor Tituba Reverend Parris Deputy Governor Danforth The Girls – Betty Parris, Susanna Walcott, Mercy Lewis, Mary Warren

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