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Spanish American War.

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1 Spanish American War

2 Causes of War GENERAL CAUSES:
Economic: Spain was cutting off sugar and tobacco trade to US from Cuba Humanitarian: Spanish rulers treated Cubans badly Expansionist: US wanted to control sugar cane and tobacco lands in Cuba

3 Causes of War Specific Causes:
Yellow Journalism: journalists exaggerated events in Cuba to encourage American support for Cuban rebels The deLome Letter: letter from Spain describing the US as weak – caused public outcry Sinking of the USS Maine: American public blamed the Spanish even though a fire caused the explosion.

4 Spanish American War

5 Fighting the War “Splendid Little War” Lasted 6 months
Fought on 2 fronts: Cuba & Philippines Theodore Roosevelt and his “Rough Riders” led the ground troops 2,500 Americans died – 400 in battle, 2100 from food poisoning and diseases (malaria and yellow fever)

6 Treaty of Paris Spain gave up Cuba
US gained Puerto Rico and Guam from Spain US paid $20 million to Spain for the Philippines

7 Future of Cuba Teller Amendment: US promised not to annex Cuba when it declared war in 1898. Following the war, the US installed a military government for 3 years Set up schools and restored economic stability In 1900, Cuba began to draft its constitution Included the Platt Amendment: Cuba could not enter into agreements with foreign nations, must allow 2 US military bases, US may interfere with foreign conflict.

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