Eoin Baker, reading Geology.

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Presentation on theme: "Eoin Baker, reading Geology."— Presentation transcript:

1 Congratulations to all those who applied to university in 2017 and for winning places at…

2 Eoin Baker, reading Geology.
Laura Barriball, reading History, Politics and International Relations.

3 Harry Carter, reading Geography.

4 Frances Allen, reading English Literature and History.

5 Peter Bebbington, reading Applied Farm Management.
Alex Dauncey, reading Agriculture.

6 Toby Benson, reading Business Management.
George Hooper, reading Aerospace Engineering.

7 RuChen He, reading Physics.
Emma Gillard, reading Physics. Emma Platt, reading English and French. Issy Paul, reading Theology and Religion.

8 Leisha Bond, reading Environmental Science.
Taylor Brazil, reading Geology. George Bunn, reading Geology. Allys Dodd, reading Adult Nursing. Tom Gist, reading Geography. Ines Martins, reading International Relations. Aaron Puffett, reading Geography. Andrea Silvestre, reading Adult Nursing. Josh Warden, reading computing

9 Cassi Caslake, reading Graphic Design for Digital Media.
Isabelle Cromarty, reading English Language and Linguistics.

10 Nadine Collins, reading Politics and International Relations.
Bradley Drowne, reading Automotive Engineering. Chloe Gill, reading Forensic Science. Angelika Grabowska, reading Business Management and Leadership. Megan O’Dell, reading Forensic Science. Hayley Sargent, reading Diagnostic Imaging.

11 Emily Ferris, reading Art.
Toby Turner, reading Biological Sciences.

12 Jess Daw, reading Mathematics.
Liam Downing, reading Biological Sciences. Jack Knowles, reading History and Politics. Emily Lovell, reading History. Sam Walters, reading Middle East Studies.

13 Callum Gorman, reading Television.
Holly Kressinger, reading Marine and Natural History Photography. Karina Kundzina, reading Interior Design.

14 Sam Hatch, reading Physics.
Gemma Ryall, reading English Curtis Tout, reading Biomedical Electronic Engineering. Sam Tucker, reading Aeronautics and Astronautics.

15 Dan Hill, reading Sound Technology.

16 Kate Jenkin, reading Law.
Emily Lang, reading English Literature. Sarah Pengelly, reading Medicine. Bronte Spargo, reading English Literature and Creative Writing. Barnaby Thorne, reading Psychology

17 Laura Jenkin, reading Animal Biology and Physical Geography.

18 Marcel Lawnicki, reading Business management.

19 Toby McMillan, reading Historical Archeology.

20 Jordann Norman, reading Illustration.

21 Shaloma Petchey-Ellis, reading Media and Sociology.

22 Oliver Platt, reading Computer Science

23 Tom Sharman, reading Mathematics.
Max Whale, reading Computer Science

24 Megan Ridgeman, reading Criminology and Psychology.
Vicky Smith, reading English Literature.

25 Remi Spargo, reading Psychology.
Rob Taylor, reading Biochemistry. Agi Wojtas, reading Modern Languages with Business Management.

26 Jago Watson, reading Business and Management Studies

27 Billy Whitehead, reading Accounting and Finance.

28 Where will YOU go?

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