Medical Terminology – List 3

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1 Medical Terminology – List 3

2 Medical Terminology – List 3
Fx – fracture GI – gastrointestinal HOPS – History, Observation, Palpation, Special Tests HR – heart rate Hx – history ICU – intensive care unit IM – intramuscular IR – internal rotation

3 Medical Terminology – List 3
IV – intravenous L – left LBP – lower back pain LCL – lateral collateral ligament LE – lower extremity LLQ – left lower quadrant LOC – loss of consciousness LUQ – left upper quadrant

4 Medical Terminology – List 3 - Tuesday
Please answer all bellwork questions in your vocabulary notebooks. Don’t forget to use Monday’s list of words and definitions to help you in answering the questions. Please match the following abbreviations on the left with their meanings on the right. IR a. history LE b. gastrointestinal Hx c. internal rotation Fx d. fracture GI e. lower extremity

5 Medical Terminology – List 3 - Wednesday
Please answer all bellwork questions in your vocabulary notebooks. Don’t forget to use Monday’s list of words and definitions to help you in answering the questions. Please answer the following questions. Two of this week’s abbreviations refer to a location for an injection. Which of the two involves muscle? Which of the two involves a vein? Which abbreviation refers to a possible symptom of a concussion in which the athlete might temporarily be unconscious? Which abbreviation refers to a specific area of a hospital? Which abbreviation refers to discomfort in the posterior aspect of the body, just superior to the waist?

6 Medical Terminology – List 3 - Thursday
Please answer all bellwork questions in your vocabulary notebooks. Please rewrite the following sentences replacing the words in bold with the correct abbreviations. 1. Susan told her doctor she had pain in both the left upper quadrant and the left lower quadrant. 2. Because Mike used the History, Observation, Palpation, Special test evaluation method, he was able to determine she injured her lateral collateral ligament. 3. After running 2 miles, my heart rate usually increases to over 110 bpm.

7 Medical Terminology – List 3 - Friday
Please answer all bellwork questions in your vocabulary notebooks. Don’t forget to turn in your notebooks for grading today!!! **NOTE** You will need all three vocabulary lists for today’s bellwork! For today’s bellwork, choose 1 word/abbreviation from each of the three lists you have learned so far. You will use each word in its own unique sentence. Your sentence should provide clues to the words’ meaning without stating it directly.

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