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1 The REAL


3 Pick a Suitcase

4 This is Your Case Click To Open

5 This is Your Case

6 Who created a totalitarian state and is responsible for more deaths than Hitler?

7 Banker Offer Josef Stalin Story Time Pick another case

8 Name the revolutionary political party led by Lenin.

9 Banker Offer Bolsheviks Bonus 5 Pts on Test Pick another case

10 Name the event where a Czar allowed his army to shoot and kill peaceful protestors.

11 Banker Offer Bloody Sunday One Wish Pick another case

12 During the Cold War, the Soviet union promoted ________ and the USA promoted __________.

13 Banker Offer COMMUNISM CAPITALISM Grab Bag Pick another case

14 Stalin created these in an attempt to increase food production throughout his totalitarian state.

15 Banker Offer Collective Farm ½ block GaskOlympics Pick another case

16 What does the word Czar mean?

17 Banker Offer King or Ruler Perfect Binder Score Pick another case

18 First person to introduce the idea of Communism?

19 Banker Offer Karl Marx Rubber Band Pick another case

20 Name 2 competitions between US and the Soviet Union during the Cold War.

21 Arms Race Olympics Space Race Nukes Banker Offer Piece of Gum
Pick another case

22 Who was the final Czar of Russia?

23 Banker Offer Nicholas II Twizzler Pick another case

24 Name of mystic “monk” that the Romanov family embraced even though everyone else seem to despise and distrust him?

25 Banker Offer Rasputin 3 Free Answers Pick another case

26 What country is kinda getting squished between Germany and Poland on the map?

27 Banker Offer Czech Republic Replace Lowest Grade Pick another case

28 Name the Russian leader before Stalin that created the communist Soviet Union.

29 Banker Offer Vladimir Lenin Pick another case Nickel

30 The term for when a leader has total control over every aspect of EVERYTHING.

31 Banker Offer Absolute Power Bonus 3 Pt on binder Pick another case

32 The main reason for building the Berlin Wall was to…

33 Prevent Communists from leaving
Banker Offer Prevent Communists from leaving Pic of Nana’s Cat Pick another case

34 What leader promised their people “Peace, Land, and Bread”?

35 Banker Offer Vladimir Lenin Pencil Pick another case

36 Economic competition is a key component of:

37 Banker Offer Capitalism 1 Penny Pick another case

38 Stalin’s ___________ was designed to catch up industrially with the rest of the world by working his people harder.

39 Banker Offer 5 year plan 100% on Essay Pick another case

40 A stand off between the Soviet Union and the United States for decades was known as ….

41 Banker Offer The Cold War Choose seats 1 week Pick another case

42 Taking over/controlling a weaker country is known as…

43 Banker Offer Imperialism 15 min class youtube clips Pick another case

44 What country did the Berlin Wall used to run through?

45 Banker Offer Germany Choc. Milk Pick another case

46 Lenin, Stalin, Nicholas II are all associated with what country?

47 Banker Offer Russia High Five Pick another case

48 This country is shaped like a boot.

49 Banker Offer ITALY Paper Clip Pick another case

50 What might a positive statement about Communism be?

51 Banker Offer Everyone is equal Bonus 2pts on Test Pick another case

52 What Russian leader instituted:
-Secret Police -Large Executions -Purges

53 Banker Offer Stalin 1 Free Ans on Test Pick another case

54 The idea of forcing change through fear is known as…

55 Banker Offer Terrorism Bonus 3 pts. On Test Pick another case

56 What is the name of the International organization whose job is to keep peace around the world amongst countries?

57 Banker Offer United Nations Class Snack Pick another case

58 Pick another case

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