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Part Three Text Appreciation ENTER.

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Presentation on theme: "Part Three Text Appreciation ENTER."— Presentation transcript:

1 Part Three Text Appreciation ENTER

2 Text Appreciation Contents I. Text Analysis II. Writing Device
1. General Analyses 2. Theme 3. Further Discussion II. Writing Device Sarcasm III. Sentence Paraphrase

3 Have you got the key elements in the story?
Text Analysis Have you got the key elements in the story? Plot of the story Setting of the story Writing techniques of the story Theme of the story For reference

4 The end of General Analysis.
Text Analysis For reference. Plot: the arguments on drug problem Setting: the United States Writing techniques: go to Writing devices Theme: go to the next page The end of General Analysis.

5 The theme is summed up at the very end.
Text Analysis Theme The theme is summed up at the very end. Drug abuse has been increasing at a rapid rate in the United States. Many of the disputes about drug use center on marijuana. While some people think this drug is dangerous, others, especially legalization advocates, think it is less harmful than alcohol and that it should be made legal. The end of Theme.

6 To be continued on the next page.
Text Analysis Further Discussion What does Vidal suggest the U.S. government should do to stop most drug addicts and solve drug-related problems in the country within a very short time? What is Vidal’s rationale? What does Vidal propose to do for those who simply cannot kick the drug and are obviously killing themselves? Is Vidal the only one who holds this drastic view on the drug problem? To be continued on the next page.

7 The end of Further Discussion.
Text Analysis Further Discussion Does Clarence Page agree or disagree with Vidal? What does Clarence Page mean when he says that Vidal’s logic has an ugly gaping hole? What is Charles Krauthammer’s basic argument? What new solution is Charles Krauthammer offering? What makes Charles Krauthammer seem so confident that this solution would work? The end of Further Discussion.

8 To be continued on the next page.
Writing Device Sarcasm It is a lucky thing for the American moralist that we have no public memory of anything that happened last Tuesday. (Para. 6) sarcasm Sarcasm attacks in a taunting and bitter manner, and its aim is to disparage, ridicule and wound the feelings of the subject attacked. To be continued on the next page.

9 Writing Device more examples
Pay special attention to the italic words. more examples Caring I grant this food will be somewhat dear, and therefore very proper for landlords, who, as they have already more of the parents, seem to have the best title to the children. The end of Writing Device.

10 To be continued on the next page.
Sentence Paraphrase 1 Simply make all drugs available and sell them at cost. (Para. 1) For reference Just make all drugs easy to buy and sell them without profit. go to 2 To be continued on the next page.

11 Sentence Paraphrase Simply: used for emphasizing that what you are saying is nothing more than what you say it is. at cost: for only the amount of money that is needed to make or get sth., without any profit being added on. back to 1

12 non-restrictive relative clause
Sentence Paraphrase 2 Don’t say that marijuana is addictive and dangerous when it is neither, unlike “speed”, which kills most unpleasantly, or heroin, which is addictive and difficult to kick. (Para. 1) non-restrictive relative clause (slang) to give up or break (a drug addiction, a bad habit, etc.) Don’t exaggerate the harmful effect of marijuana. It is neither addictive nor dangerous, as is often described. Differentiate it from “speed” and heroin. “Speed” causes death while heroin is difficult to stop using once a person is addicted to it. go to 3

13 To be continued on the next page.
Sentence Paraphrase 3 Along with exhortation and warning, it might be good for our citizens to recall that the United States was the creation of men who believed that each man has the right to do what he wants with his own life as long as he does not interfere with his neighbor’s pursuit of happiness. (Para. 3) in addition to; in the same way as to prevent sth. from succeeding or from being done as planned go to 4 To be continued on the next page.

14 Sentence Paraphrase 3 While urging people not to take drugs and warning them of the dangers, we should remind our citizens that their country was created by the early European settlers who believed that a man has the right to do whatever he wishes to his own life as long as what he does doesn’t prevent his neighbor from seeking happiness. back to 3

15 Sentence Paraphrase 4 Now one can hear that the warning rumble begin: if everyone is allowed to take drugs everyone will and we shall end up a race of Zombies. (Para. 4) the annoying voices opposing legalizing drugs someone who does not seem to know or care about what is happening around them and moves very slowly, esp. because they are very upset or tired Now we hear those people who are against legalization giving us warnings. They say if drugs are legalized, everyone will become addicts, and our nation will become one near to living death. go to 5

16 It’s used in a derogatory way.
Sentence Paraphrase 5 It is a lucky thing for the American moralist that we have no public memory of anything that happened last Tuesday. (Para. 6) It’s used in a derogatory way. Most Americans have a bad memory and don’t remember anything that happened in the past. This is a lucky thing for those people who advocate forbidding drugs (for if they remembered what Prohibition in the 1920s resulted in, they would see that prohibition of drugs will not be feasible, either). go to 6

17 Sentence Paraphrase 6 Last year when the supply of marijuana was slightly reduced by the Feds, the pushers got the kids hooked on heroin and deaths increased ramatically. (Para. 8) to find sth. so attractive or interesting that you can’t stop yourself from doing it Last year when the FBI got tough with drug dealing, and the supply of marijuana went slightly down, young marijuana users had to shift to a more harmful drug—heroin. Pushers got them addicted, and the number of people who died of overdose went up sharply. go to 7

18 Sentence Paraphrase 7 Finally, if there was no money in it, the Bureau of Narcotics would wither away, something they are not about to do without a struggle. (Para. 9) to become weaker and then disappear Finally, if the Mafia couldn’t get money out of legal drug dealing when drugs are legal, the Bureau of Narcotics would be disbanded. This is something the government will surely try hard to prevent because the people working in the Bureau would lose their jobs. go to 8

19 Sentence Paraphrase 8 Last year the debate was stirred anew when Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke called for a serious national debate on the subject. (Para. 13) Last year Baltimore Mayor Kurt Schmoke suggested a nation-wide debate on legalization, and it started off another debate. go to 9

20 Sentence Paraphrase 9 Drugs are a symptom of deeper ills in certain segments of our society, particularly the improverished segments. (Para. 19) an outward sign of a usually bad or undesirable condition a separate part of anything Widespread use of drugs is a sign of more serious social problems for some groups of the population, especially for the poor. go to 10

21 Sentence Paraphrase 10 You must start cracking down hard on users. (Para. 31) to try hard to prevent an illegal activity You must start dealing with users much more harshly. The end of Sentence Paraphrase.

22 Part Three Text Appreciation
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