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Early Christianity and the Bretwaldas

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1 Early Christianity and the Bretwaldas
200 – 700 CE

2 Bede

3 Discuss Bede On what topics did Geoffrey’s history seem to agree with Bede’s? What can we infer from this agreement? What’s the main point of Book I in Bede? Given the political situation in England during the 700s, why was Bede’s title somewhat surprising?

4 Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms

5 What does Bede tell us about the following?
Christianity in Roman Britain Heresies in Roman Britain Miracles and saints The Fall of Britain to Angles, Saxons, etc. Augustine’s mission

6 Why did Bede write his Ecclesiastical History
To please and educate his king To provide moral instruction for his readers To explain the movement toward religious unification of the Anglo-Saxon people All of the above None of the above

7 Who was not one of the heroes in Bede’s first book?
St. Alban Gregory the Great St. Germanus St. Patrick

8 St. Alban Lived in third century First British martyr/saint
Tomb at St. Albans Monastery built in 8th century

9 Constantine the Great 274-337
Declared Emperor at York in 306 CE

10 St. Germaine of Auxerre aka St. Germanus c. 440

11 Pelagius c. 365-425 Celtic, likely British monk, who asserted doctrine of free will

12 Pope Gregory the Great c. 600 author of the life of St. Benedict

13 Gregory sends monks to convert the English

14 St. Benedict Lived 480-547 “Father of Western Monasticism”
Founder of the Benedictine order which becomes the wealthiest & most powerful monastic order during the Middle Ages Wrote the Benedictine rule

15 Augustine of Canterbury c. 600

16 Anglo-Saxon Kingdoms c. 700

17 How did Christianity spread to the Anglo-Saxons?
Expect this question on the final exam. Be prepared to use evidence from Bede.

18 Christian Evangelism among the English 550-700 CE

19 Ethelbert of Kent Married Christian Bertha of the Franks
Converted to Christianity after arrival of Augustine in 597 Bretwalda Produced first vernacular legal code in England

20 Bertha of Kent Frankish princess who brought Christian faith with her when she married Ethelbert Inspired Augustine mission Established St Martins Canterbury

21 Discuss Campbell What sort of difficulties did the early Anglo-Saxon kings face? What was Yeavering? What factors impeded the spread of Christianity?

22 Yeavering - Northumbria

23 The Cuneus at Yeavering

24 Christ with Joseph of Aramethea, Nicodemus, and Mary Magdellan G
Christ with Joseph of Aramethea, Nicodemus, and Mary Magdellan G. Bellini c. 1510


26 What were Bretwaldas? Missionaries from Saxony Overlord kings
Pagan priests who converted to Christianity Irish and Scottish warrior saints

27 Northumbrian Bretwaldas
Oswald d. 641 Oswiu d. 670 Edwin

28 Tribal Hidage c. 670-720 Hwinca syfan þusend hyda. 7,000
Ciltern sætna feower þusend hyda.4,000 Hendrica þryu þusend hyda ond fif hund hyda. 3,500 Unecungaga twelf hund hyda. 1,200 Arosætna syx hund hyda. 600 Færpinga þreo hund hyda. is in Middelenglum Færpinga 300 Bilmiga syx hund hyda. 600 Widerigga eac swa. 600 Eastwilla syx hund hyda. 600 Westwilla syx hund hyda. 600 East engle þrittig þusend hida. 30,000 Eastsexena syofon þusend hyda. 7,000 Cantwarena fiftene þusend hyda. 15,000 Suþsexena syufan þusend hyda. 7,000 Westsexena hund þusend hyda. 100,000

29 Why did Gregory the Great send missionaries to England according to Bede?
Because he liked the looks of an English slave boy in the Roman forum Because he wanted to expand the influence of the Roman Church Because he worried about the pernicious influence of Celts in Britain Because he believed the English would some day rule much of the world

30 What actions does Bede attribute to St
What actions does Bede attribute to St. Patrick in his early history of Britain? He suffered martyrdom by changing clothes with a Roman solider He travelled to the Continent to convert the Saxons He drove the snakes out of Ireland All of the above None of the above

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