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1. The scientist studied the aberrant cells to find a cause and a cure for the disease. Aberrant: adj Parts: ab(apart, away); err(wander,stray); ant(that.

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Presentation on theme: "1. The scientist studied the aberrant cells to find a cause and a cure for the disease. Aberrant: adj Parts: ab(apart, away); err(wander,stray); ant(that."— Presentation transcript:

1 1. The scientist studied the aberrant cells to find a cause and a cure for the disease.
Aberrant: adj Parts: ab(apart, away); err(wander,stray); ant(that which) Educated Guess: Definition: Departing from an accepted standard Deviating from what is normal Straying from the right or usual course Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: aberration (n) aberrational (adj.) Context Phrase

2 2. Many teenagers who think their parents’ ideas are anachronistic disregard their good advice.
anachronistic: adj Parts: ana(back, through);chron (time)ic(characterized by) Educated Guess: Definition: Belonging or appropriate to a period other than that in which it exists; Placed out of its proper time Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: anachronism (n.) Context Phrase

3 3. He planned to augment his savings for college by investing in the stock market.
augment – verb Parts: aug (grow, increase); ment (result of) Educated Guess: Definition: To make or become greater; as in size, number, or amount Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: augmentation (noun) Context Phrase

4 4. We were not surprised by the politician’s circumlocution on questions concerning the issue because he did not want to offend anyone or to lose any votes. curcumlocution - noun Parts: curcum (around); locut (talk) tion (act of) Educated Guess: Definition: The use of many words where fewer would do, especially in a deliberate attempt to be vague or evasive; Evasion in speaking or writing Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms:circumlocutional(adj) circumlocutionist(n) Context Phrase

5 5. After months of anticipation, the congregation gathered to consecrate its new sanctuary.
consecrate - verb Parts:con (together, with); sacr (holy);ate (make, cause) Educated Guess: Definition: To regard with great respect; In Christian belief, to change bread and wine into the blood and body of Christ; to dedicate to a special goal or purpose Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: consecration (noun) Context Phrase to consecrate one’s life to helping others

6 6. Many readers found the plot of her latest novel discursive and boring.
discursive – (adjective) Parts: dis (apart, away); curs (run); ive(tending to) Educated Guess: Definition: Digressing from subject to subject; covering a wide range of subjects. Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: discursively (adv.) discursiveness (n) Context Phrase

7 7. Lack of supplies was not the only encumbrance that early settlers faced.
encumbrance - noun Parts: en(inside, within); combre(hinder, block); ance(state) Educated Guess: Definition: a burden or impediment, a lien or claim on property Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: encumber (verb) Context Phrase

8 8. The impecunious man had to depend on the shelter for food and a place to sleep.
impecunious – adj. Parts: im ( not) pecunia (money); oius (full of) Educated Guess: Definition: Having little or no money Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: impecuniousness (noun) Context Phrase

9 9. Inept in handling the hostage crisis, he was quickly replaced by someone more qualified
inept – adj. Parts: in (not); ept (able, capable) Educated Guess: Definition: Not suitable to the circumstance or occasion; Having or showing no skill; Lacking in judgment, sense, or reason Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: ineptitude (n) ineptness (n) ineptly (adv) Context Phrase

10 10. Some people are intransigent in their values but very flexible on other issues.
intransigent – adj. Parts: in (not); trans (across) ag (drive) ent (full of) Educated Guess: Definition: Refusing to moderate an especially extreme position; Refusing to agree or compromise; unwilling to change one’s views or to agree Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: intransigence(n) intransigently (adv) Context Phrase

11 11. One manifest strength of this school is the cultural and social diversity of its students.
manifest – adj. Parts: manu (hand); festus (made, done); Educated Guess: Definition: Clearly apparent to the sight or understanding (adj); To show or demonstrate plainly (v); a list of cargo or passengers (n) Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: manifestation (n) manifestly (adv) Context Phrase

12 12. The prosecutor focused the jury’s attention on the defendant’s non sequitur.
non sequitur – noun Parts: non (not) sequ (follow) Educated Guess: Definition: A statement that does not follow logically from what preceded it; An inference or conclusion that does not follow from the premise or evidence Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: na Context Phrase

13 13. Some families choose the peripatetic lifestyle of the military over settling in one place.
peripatetic – adj. Parts: peri (around); patein (walk) Educated Guess: Definition: Walking about; moving from place to place; Pertaining to the philosophy or teaching methods of Aristotle Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: peripateticism (n) Context Phrase

14 14. Do you agree with the idea that “children learn more by example than by precept”?
precept - noun Parts: pre (before); cept (take, seize) Educated Guess: Definition: A general rule or principle intended to control behavior or thought. Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: preceptor (n) teacher Context Phrase

15 15. We ambled down the path, unaware of the propinquity of the danger that lay ahead.
propinquity – noun Parts: propinquus (near); ity (state of) Educated Guess: Definition: Nearness in place or time; similarity in nature, Kinship Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: na Context Phrase

16 16. I am embarrassed that I have been remiss in writing thank you notes for the gifts I received.
remiss - adj Parts: re (back); miss (send) Educated Guess: Definition: Lax or careless in matters requiring attention; Careless of duty Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: na Context Phrase

17 17. Some people believe that all animals are as sentient as humans.
sentient - adjective Parts: sent (feel); ent (full of) Educated Guess: Definition: Able to feel or perceive things; Having sense perception Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: sentience (n) sentiently (adv) Context Phrase

18 18. The peasants groveled and supplicated to the selfish king for grain to make bread.
supplicate – verb Parts: sub (under); plic ( fold); ate (make, cause) Educated Guess: Definition: To ask for humbly or earnestly; as by praying; To make an earnest request Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: supplication (n) Context Phrase

19 19. The verbiage of her writing made understanding her ideas very difficult.
verbiage - noun Parts: verb (word); age ( action) Educated Guess: Definition: Speech or writing that uses too many words or excessively technical language. Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: na Context Phrase

20 20. The purpose of the negative campaign advertisements on television was to vilify his opponents before millions of voters. villify – verb Parts: vilis (worthless); fy (make) Educated Guess: Definition: To speak or write about in an abusively disparaging (negative) manner Synonyms: Antonyms Variant forms: vilification (n) vilifier (n) Context Phrase

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