Water Supply.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Supply."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Supply

2 Vocabulary Agriculture: All the work through which the natural environment is transformed into animals and plants that are useful to humans Irrigation: a process that allows water to be supplied to crops when there is not enough precipitation Precipitation: water from weather

3 Blue planet The earth appears blue form outer space because 71 percent of its surface is covered in water 97 percent of this water is salt water leaving only 3 percent fresh water Only 1 percent of that water is accessible to humans to drink Most water is in the form of ice or too deep in the ground to be used

4 Water Shortages Water flows abundantly on the planet but distribution and accessibility is uneven While some parts of the world are well supplied others suffer from a lack of water In countries suffered a shortage of drinking water By 2025 this will rise to 48 countries and 54 countries by 2050

5 Water cycle Water has been going through its natural cycle for millions of years It does not disappear because it is constantly regenerated On average 65 percent of the Earth’s precipitation evaporates 24 percent flows over the ground as runoff 11 percent infiltrates the ground

6 Water Cycle

7 Essential Resource 75 percent of the body is water. It needs 2-3 litres per day to survive For other uses like bathing and other uses humans need access to 100 litres a day Since the world constantly needs more food, agriculture yields must continually increase When precipitation is scarce the fields need irrigation Irrigation often comes from the ground water which could dry up over time

8 irrigation

9 Industrialization and Water Usage
Vast amounts of water are needed to manufacture some products Once factories use this water they often simply put it back into the water system loaded with waste/pollution Water pollution is a problem in bot developing and industrialized countries However in developing countries there is often very little control on industries so they have no obligation to limit pollution

10 Water Consumption We us 20 times more water today than early in the 20th century Wealthy countries increase their water consumption through swimming pools, sprinklers or laundry In Quebec we use 400 litres per person the world average is 137 per day

11 Water and the World Currently 1.4 billion people have no access to drinking water 3 billion people lack adequate sanitary facilities In the least developed countries women and children spend 4-6 hours a day fetching water Diseases related to unsafe drinking water cause between million deaths per year Though cities take up 1 percent of earths surface they use 75 percent of the water supply Cities are also the major sources of pollution

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