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Inheritance & Polymorphism

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1 Inheritance & Polymorphism

2 Specialization & Generalization
The is-a relationship The dog is a mammal The cat is a mammal Dog and cat specialize mammal Mammal generalize dog and cat To extract the common parts In C#, the specialization relationship is typically implemented using inheritance.

3 Example Inheritance_demo Use : for inheritance Access modifiers
Private, protected, public Override inherited methods new vs virtual-override Overload vs overwrite Observe the which method is called

4 Exercise 13 Please develop a Dog and a Cat class derives from mammal class and specialize them respectively The mammal class is given as the next slide

5 class Mammal { protected string speciesName = "Mammal"; public Mammal(string speciesName) this.speciesName = speciesName; } public void Sound() Console.WriteLine("The sound of {0} => hmm...hmm...", speciesName);

6 The root of all classes - Object
Every thing is an object of Object in C# !!

7 Example (5-4) bad naming

8 Exercise 14 What will the message be if you don’t override the toString() in example 5-4? To understand why and when we need to do this.

9 Polymorphism The way you look at things Dog aDog = new Dog();
A dog is just a dog A dog is a mammal That dog is a hound Dog aDog = new Dog(); Mammal aMammal = (Mammal) aDog; ex13

10 Boxing & Un-Boxing The conversion between value types and reference types stack vs heap Boxing is implicit Un-Boxing is explicit

11 Boxing & Un-Boxing (5-5) implicit explicit

12 Interfaces An interface is a contract that guarantees to a client how a class will behave Doing nothing but putting a constraint on the implementing class Ex:

13 Example 8-1 Constructor Methods Property

14 Arrays An array is an indexed collection of objects, all of the same type Phone book (exercise 10) myFriend1, myFriend2, … , myFriend100 ? Expression :

15 Example (ArrayDemo) The phone book exercise can be improved further
Array size static void Main(string[] args) { PersonalData[] myFriends = new PersonalData[2]; myFriends[0] = new PersonalData(); myFriends[0].Name = "Mandy Tsai"; myFriends[0].Phone = " "; myFriends[0].display(); PersonalData.Counter++; myFriends[1] = new PersonalData("Claire"," "); myFriends[1].display(); } Array indexer

16 Exercise 15 Please try to declare and initialize an integer array from 0 to 100 myArray[0] = 0; myArray[1] = 1; myArray[100] = 100; and prints them out

17 Some useful stuff Length property System.Array.Sort()
myArray.Lngth System.Array.Sort() System.Array.Sort(myArray,0,101); System.Array.Reverse() System.Array.Reverse(myArray,0,101); The foreach loop foreach(int i in myArray)

18 Multi-dimensional array & ArrayList
You can cast a multi-dimensional array simply by int[,] myArray = new int[6,8]; ArrayList is used to provide you an array with dynamic size Using System.Collections; Add(), Insert() Remove(), RemoveAt() Count (property)

19 Example (ex15_modified_2)
ArrayList myArray = new ArrayList(); for(int i = 0; i < 101; i++) myArray.Add(i); { if(i != 0 && i%10 == 0) Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write(myArray[i]+"\t"); } Console.WriteLine("\n\n"); It is not necessary to provide the size of your array Add values into our array

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