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The Impact of Climate Change on Tourism

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1 The Impact of Climate Change on Tourism

2 Now what is Climate Change, again?
: a change in climate that is attributed to human activity that alters the composition of the atmosphere Global warming is one symptom of this Global Warming: increased heat trapped in the atmosphere resulting from excess greenhouse gases (like carbon dioxide). These gases form a layer in the atmosphere and reflect the sun’s rays back down to the earth. The problem is made worse by burning fossil fuels and cutting down trees

3 Effects of Climate Change

4 Videos 100 Years of Climate Change in Less Than A Minute
Climate Change: It’s Real. It’s Serious. And it’s up to us to Solve it. 1:56 100 Years of Climate Change in Less Than A Minute / /Animation-100-years-of-global-warming-in-less-than-a- minute.html

5 Tourism Helps Cause Climate Change Too
80% of all flights are for vacations The airline industry contributes a lot of emissions into the atmosphere More hotels are being built, they are using more energy and water and producing more garbage

6 Not Only Is Tourism Emitting A lot of Co2, but It Is Still Increasing Its Emissions
People travel more often now People travel by plane more now People are going further away More people are travelling now million international arrivals 2020 – estimated 1.6 billion arrivals 2030 – estimated 1.89 billion arrivals

7 Impacts of Climate Change on Tourism
The tourism sector is highly sensitive to climate It could shorten tourist seasons If a hot place becomes too hot, people will avoid it If a ski resort becomes too warm, there will be no snow Reduced water availability could lead to disputes with locals Extreme weather conditions will hurt the places that depend heavily on tourism like the Caribbean Insurance rates may go up in areas exposed to extreme weather Some places will be flooded by rising water levels

8 Examples of Places Affected

9 Ski tourism affected – the Alps
The Alps could lose as much as 70 per cent of their snow cover by 2099 as temperatures rise The ski season may also start up to a month later and finish up to three months earlier, and the snow line may be up to 1,000m higher This winter the Alps suffered a very slow start to the season for the third year in a row, with December skiers sliding down ribbons of artificial snow surrounded by green pastures This would have a dramatic effect on Alpine villages, where up to 90% of the economy depends on winter tourism.

10 Beach tourism affected - Hawaii
Hawaii is a mass tourism hotspot, but climate change is making them hotter, more arid, more stormy and even disease-ridden. The state depends heavily on tourism revenue •Higher average temperatures are stressing native animals and plants and causing an uptick in heat-related illnesses in people (ex: cholera) •Warmer oceans and higher ocean acidity could trigger massive coral bleaching and marine migration Sea levels are rising inches per decade throughout the last 100 years. Studies project this rate to accelerate, resulting in a 1-foot to 3-foot rise by 2100.

11 Marine life affected - Australia
Coral bleaching has damaged or killed 95% of part of the Great Barrier Reef.  UNESCO recently did a report of the impact of climate change on tourism worldwide. They referred to the problem of the Great Barrier Reef but then the Australian government intervened and demanded that every reference to Australia be erased from the document This made Australia the only inhabited continent on the planet with no mentions. A spokesperson said that, “Recent experience in Australia had shown that negative commentary about the status of world heritage properties impacted on tourism”

12 Disappearing Islands Island nations such as the Maldives and Kiribati may be mostly underwater within the century The President of Kiribati is calling for a mass emigration – he purchased 6,000 acres of land in Fiji for his people to move to and is relocating 75 citizens a year to New Zealand RWM2EZXWM 3:00 Maldives and Climate Change

13 More Disease In summer 2007, more than 100 people in the Italian town of Castiglione di Cervia came down with dengue fever This is usually a tropical disease and does not come this far north An unusually mild winter had lead to the mosquitoes breeding early and exploding in number Climate change has accelerated the spread of tropical diseases like malaria and dengue fever

14 Research Look up how the Caribbean is being affected by this year’s terrible hurricane season What islands have been affected? How has it impacted their economy, their tourism industry?

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