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Remote Storage Management

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1 Remote Storage Management
v.15 Seminar Roni Grosz

2 Background Remote Storage (RS) - material shelved outside the library.
When searching the Web OPAC, it must be obvious to the patron that the item is in RS. Based on library policy, the patron must be able to request the material and to be informed when it is expected to be available. Remote Storage

3 Background (continued)
When an RS item is delivered to the pickup sublibrary it is kept on hold for the patron. When an RS item is returned to the item’s sublibrary, it is loaned to the RS and its status is changed to ‘in transit’. When the RS reports that the item has arrived, the Remote Storage Import service (cir-03) is run, and the loan to the RS is removed. The item becomes available again. Remote Storage

4 New Elements and Setup for RS
There is a new item process status to support RS: DP. There is a new item record field for the RS: Z30_DEPOSITORY_ID. Remote Storage

5 New Elements and Setup for RS
The RS item must be assigned both the DP processing status in the processing status field; and an RS code in the Z30_DEPOSITORY_ID field. When these definitions are assigned, the item will function as an RS item. Remote Storage

6 Item Process Status Remote Storage

7 Remote Storage ID Remote Storage

8 Patron Requests an RS Item
When the patron places a request for an RS item he is informed when the requested item is expected to be delivered. The calculation and display of the delivery time is dependent on the following tables: tab_hold_request: INFO check_hold_request_v If the item is an RS item and is currently available, the expected delivery time is calculated based on the following table parameters: Remote Storage

9 Patron requests … II Tab24 defines - per pickup location - the minimum time lapse from request to delivery and the specific delivery times. tab17 defines the open hours for both the RS and the pickup library to determine if they are both open at the calculated delivery time: Remote Storage

10 Patron requests …III If either is not open, the expected delivery time is set for the next available time. If the calculated delivery time is after library closing time, the expected delivery time is set to first delivery on the next open library day. Based on these parameters the patron is informed of expected delivery time. Remote Storage

11 Web Request screen Remote Storage

12 Requests from the RS Requests for material are sent to the RS at set times. The daemon ue_06 detects RS requests based on tab39. The Remote Storage Export batch service (p-cir-18) prepares the file of requests for the RS. Remote Storage

13 Return to the RS The item is made available/loaned to the patron based on the item loan status and the patron privileges/restrictions. When a RS item is returned, if there are no other requests, the item is automatically ‘loaned’ to to the relevant Remote Storage. This results in the display of an ‘in transit’ message for the item. Remote Storage

14 Return to the RS When the item reaches the RS, the ‘in transit’ status is deleted. If the RS item is requested while ‘in transit’, the request will not be activated until this status has been deactivated. Remote Storage

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